Rachel Griffin's Reviews > Bring Me Your Midnight

Bring Me Your Midnight by Rachel  Griffin
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(Review from the author)
it was amazing

UPDATE 4/5/23: The absolutely stunning first printing limited edition case has been revealed! I'm completely obsessed with it, and I hope you love it as much as I do!

This design is printed directly on the hardcover and is exclusive to the first edition. Because it's very limited, the best way to ensure you get it is to preorder through your favorite retailer (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, your fave indie, etc). All preorders are guaranteed to get this case, but once it's gone, it's gone. And if you do preorder, keep those receipts! We have some really fun things in the works that I can't wait to share.

Original post:

As BRING ME YOUR MIDNIGHT gets closer to release (and ARCs!), I wanted to share a bit about this book with you. It's the most fun I've ever had writing, and what started out as a self-indulgent project full of things I love (forbidden romance, forbidden magic, island setting, angst, gothic vibes, and the list goes on!) quickly turned into the most personal thing I've ever written. It wrestles with ideas of shame and the painful process of questioning things you have wholeheartedly believed in for the first time. It is also the most romantic thing I've ever written, and I sobbed my way through several scenes as I was writing. This was a magical writing experience for me the whole way through, from the first draft all the way to final edits, and I'm not sure I'll ever have another one quite like it.

I never really understood the phrase "book of my heart" until I wrote this one, and I truly hope that come August, BRING ME YOUR MIDNIGHT finds a place in your heart as well. Thank you for going on another journey with me; I can't wait to welcome you to the shores of the Witchery. <3
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December 11, 2022 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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Annabelle Hi Rachel! I'm a huge fan of your works and I was wondering how would I be able to receive an ARC for Bring Me Your Midnight.

Rachel Griffin Hi Annabelle! Thank you so much. All ARC requests are handled through my publisher. You can reach them at [email protected]

Annabelle Great! Thank you so much!

Megan Burch I’m so excited to read Bring Me Your Midnights 🥰 I love seeing the pictures you post of the Washington coast, it feels like a mood board for this book and kills me with anticipation every time you post

message 5: by Sarah (new) - added it

Sarah Hi!! Is it to late to request an ARC of your new book !! I am absolutely obsessed with your story telling and writing and having to wait until August is so hard :) anyways just a huge fan and cannot wait to read the new book !

Rachel Griffin Hi Sarah! Thank you so much. It isn't too late--you can email my publisher at [email protected] to request an ARC (and there is a Goodreads giveaway happening right now as well)!

RachaelInRealLife Hi Rachel! I just won the book through Goodreads Giveaways. Is this copy considered an ARC?

Annabelle You're so lucky!! I think those are considered ARCs.

Rachel Griffin Yes, that's an ARC! Happy reading, I hope you enjoy it!

message 10: by Heather (new) - added it

Heather Is there still time to get an arc?!? The nature of witches has captured my heart, your writing (chefs kiss)

Rachel Griffin Yes! We have more ARC giveaways coming up here, as well as on Instagram—you can follow along over there @timesnewrachel to stay updated!

Annabelle It looks beautiful 😍

message 13: by Jan (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jan I just won one if the goodreads ARC of this book! I’m excited to dive into it now :)

Annabelle Congrats Jan, the odds are not in my favor😔. You have to let me know what you think!

message 15: by Grey (new) - added it

Grey This cover is so pretty it should be illegal

&#x1f338; Tana &#x1f338; I am so hyped for this, for the story but also because the main character has my name and that never happens

message 17: by MC (new) - rated it 5 stars

MC Got mine this morning and am already done, it is fantastic! Congratulations 👏 🎊 💐

Jennifer Hollingsworth First book I have read by you and I absolutely loved it!! The beautiful cover the beautiful story UHhh loved all of it! Can’t wait to read more by you. Thank you for this great book 😊

Mishell I love all of your books so so much🥹 They all live on my shelf in my spot for my faves. I will be one of the first to pre-order the next one!!🩵💙

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