Sami's Reviews > Our Daughter's Bones

Our Daughter's Bones by Ruhi Choudhary
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really liked it

3.5 stars, rounded up

I really liked this book and the mystery was very well thought out. Ruhi has a knack for writing and there's a lot of potential in her books.

The only issue I had with this book was the pacing. In the first half of the book it feels like there's too much going on. There are too many subplots with the husband and best friend that seem to take away from the mystery and drag the first half of the book. I think if those subplots had maybe been pushed to the end, or not been as cryptic it would've made for a more engaging beginning as opposed to the more engaging ending.

The cliffhanger was really good though. Was not expecting and definitely want to read Book 2 to see what that's all about.
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November 29, 2022 – Shelved

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