Des's Reviews > Inferno

Inferno by Dan    Brown
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did not like it
bookshelves: series, on-2nd-g-nook-touch, ebook-epub, slugfest, reviewed, ebook

I considered giving this two stars but then I realized there really wasn't anything I liked about it. It was so boring and it took me more than a week to get through. I know it's too much to ask that Dan Brown scale the heights of Angels & Demons or even The Da Vinci Code once again but I'm somewhat baffled as to how his writing has taken a turn for the worse and it started with that blasted The Lost Symbol.

There's nothing much to say about this to be honest. The plot was kind of intriguing mostly because it raised ethical questions and provided food for thought but the characters were so underdeveloped and felt really flat. As a result of this, I wasn't invested in any of them or the story. It all just plodded along with me quirking an eyebrow here and there and wondering when it was going to end. I certainly don't understand why it took so many pages to tell this very mediocre story. As it usually goes with Dan Brown books this read like a tour of ancient buildings in ancient cities and while these would have been great to explore on a tour in person or even read in a guide book, Brown does a terrible job of interweaving the story and these 'attractions'

Would I recommend this to anyone? Not really. There's nothing to see here so I would encourage you to keep it moving.
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Reading Progress

January 16, 2013 – Shelved
May 14, 2013 – Started Reading
May 14, 2013 –
5.0% "In true Dan Brown fashion it all begins with a bang."
May 17, 2013 –
21.0% "I'm not sure where all this is going. Feels pretty underwhelming so far."
May 18, 2013 –
40.0% "Still not impressed. This is heading down the path of being a DNF."
May 22, 2013 –
62.0% "Hmmm..."
May 27, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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message 1: by Damali (new)

Damali I thought you didn't dnf books?

message 2: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des I do. My DNF shelf is called "abandoned ship"

message 3: by Damali (new)

Damali LOL!!

message 4: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des :)

message 5: by Damali (new)

Damali Hey, do you want to read The Summer Prince with me?

message 6: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des My library doesn't have the ebook version and it's too expensive to buy :(

message 7: by Damali (last edited May 19, 2013 10:13AM) (new)

Damali Yeah, it is expensive, but desperate times call for desperate measures. :D

Does Barnes and Nobles let you return books? Kindle gives you three days to return for a full refund. I tend to abuse the system though. :)

message 8: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des Lol! Yeah, I see you've been on the prowl for new books lately.

Nah. All B&N ebook sales are final AFAIK.

message 9: by Damali (new)

Damali The Summer Prince is written by a black author, and it's rare enough to find one who writes scifi/fantasy that I decided to splurge. :)

message 10: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des Nice.

Amiee I am very disappointed with your review! Well not with your review but that the book isn't that good. I hated the lost symbol but my love of angels and demons and davinci code had me prepurchase the book. Only reason I haven't read it yet is because the library always takes precedence and the library has been working overtime for me!

message 12: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des I totally understand. I liked both of those books too, which is probably why I still keep hanging on and hoping he gets back to that level of writing.

I Be Reading Every review I have seen of this book says it is terrible. I am so sad because I LOVED Dan Brown's earlier novels (A&D and DVC). Oh well... *sigh*

message 14: by Des (last edited Jun 03, 2013 09:31PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Des I'm not surprised. It was a really poor effort from him this time around. I'm sad too because those two earlier novels were good.

message 15: by Birgit (new)

Birgit Just curious what does DNF stand for ie your abandoned ship shelf?

message 16: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des It stands for 'did not finish'.

James I should have read your review before investing so many boring hours in the hope it would get better.

message 18: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des James, ha! We live and learn.

message 19: by Ana (new)

Ana My my so many book snobs out there! If you really don't enjoy Dan Brown's books why would you read his entire collection??? Trying to prove yourself right? Why waste your time? Bottom line... He's not a literary genius. But his books are easy, page turning puzzles.

message 20: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des Ana wrote: "My my so many book snobs out there! If you really don't enjoy Dan Brown's books why would you read his entire collection??? Trying to prove yourself right? Why waste your time? Bottom line... He's not a literary genius. But his books are easy, page turning puzzles."

Ana, I noticed you wrote this same blurb under your review of this but now I'm bewildered as to why you came all the way to my review space to write the same thing.

Also, you missed the point entirely. Most of the comments including mine say how we loved/liked/enjoyed Brown's previous works so I don't know where you got that we don't enjoy his books. Disliking his latest works does not mean we are book snobs.

Sherry Thanks for pointing out the plot involving the impact of overpopulation. It is an intriguing subject. I like his books. They are fun reads and remind me of the trips I've taken. This novel however was little more than a short story with lots of travelogue filler.

message 22: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des Sherry, yes, the overpopulation aspect was definitely very intriguing. I totally agree about your travelogue filler comment.

message 23: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Taylor I agree with your review. This is a definite nosedive compared to Dan Brown’s previous work. I think its time for him to kill Langdon off, he’s gone past his sell-by date.

message 24: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des Paul, he doesn't necessarily have to kill Langdon off. He just needs to write better books. Lol.

message 25: by Jinseok (new)

Jinseok I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved A&D and DVC and that made me to wait for this book trying to forget disappointment from The Lost Symbol. I'm at 70% now and feeling like I'm reading Wikipedia. But anyway I will finish. Hope the ending is better.

message 26: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des Jinseok, agreed. I didn't think the ending was better but your mileage may vary.

Wdmoor I almost gave it 2 stars also but then realized the only reason I read the whole book was because it was awful

message 28: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des Wdmoor, Lol.

message 29: by Anna (new)

Anna I love your review Desiree. I just finished reading this book about 30 minutes ago and I am so disappointed. I shouldn't be because I've seen some bad reviews before reading it. It took me three days to read but unlike with DVC and A&D, this time round I was just waiting to finish reading. I would not put it down, it's still a good page turner and the idea of overpopulation is quite interesting but I hope they will not make a movie out of it. Please don't! I have to admit too that I was kind of hoping that would be the end of Robert Langdon.

message 30: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des Anna, thanks for the nice words. Like you I really hoped to enjoy it but alas that wasn't possible. Oh well.

message 31: by MaggieMay (new)

MaggieMay Q I have loved all of the Langdon books, but Inferno is unfortunately disappointing me big time!
It could just as well not have been published. I think this a common problem with some "series" they milk the cow until there is nothing left. If there is a new book coming out I probably won't read it after Inferno. :/ I used to love Dan Brown (except for the deception point it made me pissed off! Haha), but inferno has destroyed it for me.

message 32: by Des (new) - rated it 1 star

Des MaggieMQ, yup. I think I'll still continue to read them though and I'm part of the problem because he knows there's a guaranteed audience. Lol. Let's hope more negative reviews will have him rethink his style.

Miquel Reina Totally agree with you Desiree!

message 34: by Greg (new) - rated it 3 stars

Greg Strom scale the heights, like Langdon as he floats to earth clutching at windshield cover to a helicopter? Yeah, that was something

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