L.A.'s Reviews > True Tales of TWA Flight Attendants: Memoirs and Memories From the Golden Age of Flying

True Tales of TWA Flight Attendants by Kathy Kompare
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3.5* As a friend of mine flies the skies as a flight attendant, she has a lot of these stories in her queue, so it was interesting to me. It is a memoir, so if that is not your genre you may not enjoy it. Some stories shocked me while others appear as society norms. Whether it is in the classroom, mall or a restaurant. people never seize to amaze me. Famous people do make them a little more interesting because they are above the norm....LOL
They are short stories, so it doesn't take long to hum through. Attendants are on lengthier rides than a bus ride with school children, but sometimes adults can act just as bad. The book is humorous and contains a lot of puns to enjoy. It will make you think the next time you fly! Be kind to these people and enjoy the ride!
Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.
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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Yes! Be kind to us! 😉 I will have to compare notes with this book! Terrific review! 💕

L.A. 💕💕 yes, I’m anxious to see a comparison, Jayme! Thank you

message 3: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Ansbro Great review, L.A.!
I was on a flight very recently and remembered reading that attendants hate it when passengers order a cola (the cabin pressure creates extra fizz and they take an eternity to pour). So I watched our attendant's facial expression with great interest and felt some sympathy each time a Coca-Cola or a rum and Coke was requested.
Ask your friend if she's ever tried the time-honoured trick of putting eye drops into an annoying passenger's drink (it acts as a very fast laxative, apparently)...
: )

L.A. Lol I will ask her, Kevin! Interested fact! 😂 thank you

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