Adutxi's Reviews > In Your Dreams, Holden Rhodes

In Your Dreams, Holden Rhodes by Stephanie  Archer
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it was amazing

This is my first review ever where I’m able to start with: I RECEIVED THE ARC FROM THE AUTHOR…… omg I’m so happy and honored 💖

Am I in love with Stephanie Archer? Maybe. Maybe I love her and this is me unable to be objective about her writing.

Or maybe she is just incredible creating some of the richest and more realistic characters I’ve ever read.

The first time I read something written by her was on kindle and I was loving it so so so much that I stopped and bought the book.

I’m not a romance novel reader, I’m more of dark romance / fantasy / thriller kind of gal BUT she knows how to bring out the romantic in me (dead person before I discovered her writing). This books makes me smile, laugh out loud, cry (good cry)… I don’t think there are really so many authors who put so much depth on their characters, both the female and the male. We are so deep in all the “strong female character” that in my opinion at this point we don’t even question it anymore. The female character hates men? God, she is so strong. That’s it. Seems to me sometimes that’s all people demand now. There is this depth in ALL of Archer’s characters, they are always questioning them selfs and trying to understand where their boundaries start and end, what things they really want, they made constant reflections about their feelings, their fears… they try to change and is so damn satisfying to read about how sometimes you want to feel or think some way but you are unable to… I think she is so smart in the way she creates people who feel so real.

Another thing I enjoy about her books is the sense of humor she has. Feels really fresh and actual, u connect with her 100% and I’m pretty sure it’s a generational thing. The references are just *chef kiss*

It’s pretty fucking clear and THANK YOU STEPHANIE FOR THIS, this author is determined to talk about women sexuality, about its importance, about how important it is to feel comfortable with a sex partner and how different things are when people talk about it and support each other without feeling judged. Wow. Also, I’m sorry but along the book we’ll have a number of “issues” with what locals will call “alien dildo” and it came to a point where I laughed so hard I cried, more than once. People in this small town are really the best. And I love it about these books too. Yes, this is a small town romance book, but people in this town are far from closed minded and the way they so hard (too hard sometimes) try to show everyone everything is fine, the funnier things get.

Despite not being a regular romance books reader I tend to read all the most known ones, you know just to be up to date and don’t lose myself inside the dark side too much. I’ve read most of then like The love hypothesis and so, and I wished this author books were as hyped as some of these are. Because I’m confident she uses her books to make a point about a lot of important things and she does it so well. In my opinion her books are important. She’s making A LOT of valid points and pointing out a lot of thing I’m grateful to read in romance.

Wow, look at all I’ve said and I didn’t even mention Holden 😏

To sum up… I hope Stephanie Archer continues writing and I will support her because she is smart, super talented and I think she’s using all her smartness for good. I kind of love her a bit as a friend like the creepy fan I am. And I’m grateful for her. I think she’s amazing. K bye, I’ll stop fangirling all over here.
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August 31, 2022 – Shelved
August 31, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
October 27, 2022 – Started Reading
October 28, 2022 – Finished Reading

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jessica hi !! ☺️ can i ask how you got an arc? i was so excited for this release and i am so excited for her next release. i haven't seen her books on netgalley and i haven't seen an option in the newsletter. so i'm just curious!

Adutxi Hi Jessica!! I follow her on Insta! She offered to include ten people if they dm her and I got lucky! Maybe follow her and stay tuned around 4th book releasing date??? Hope this was helpful 🤎

jessica Adutxi wrote: "Hi Jessica!! I follow her on Insta! She offered to include ten people if they dm her and I got lucky! Maybe follow her and stay tuned around 4th book releasing date??? Hope this was helpful 🤎"

oh !!! thank you!! i actually deleted the insta app, but you're definitely helpful!! thank you!!!

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