Delee's Reviews > NOS4A2

NOS4A2 by Joe Hill
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I will not compare Stephen King's son to him...I will not compare Stephen King's son to him.....I will

Joe Hill deserves to be in a class all of his own. Don'tcha think?

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I put off reading NOS4A2 for awhile. I read Heart-Shaped Box first... Which I really liked- but this...this was much better!!!

Sooooooooooooooo many friends said- "You have to read NOS4A2!!!!...Oh you haven't read NOS4A2???? What is wrong with you??? Why haven't read NOS4A2?? What are you stupid?" One of those friends was Stepheny- and fighting it became pointless. Have I mentioned before that Stepheny is difficult? I think I have....a time or two...

So fast forward...buddy read at gun point with-The veeeeeeeeeeeeeery persuasive Stepheny, Msssssssssssssss. Randee , One of the easiest people to get along with- Lisa UK, ....and one of the hardest people to get along with Mr. Dan 2.0

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Massachusetts 1986:

With the help of her trusty bike and a bridge called The Shorter Way- 12 year old Victoria McQueen finds lost things- keys, lost pets, jewelry...and one unfortunate day...she finds kidnapper Charles Manx.

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...a day that will change her life in ways she could have never imagined.

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Somehow I went into reading NOS4A2 having noooooooooooo idea what it was about. Yes- I knew there was an old scary dude...and some kidnapped children and a Christmas theme...but that was about it. I highly recommend doing that..because this book was full of sooooooooooo many surprises.

Bravo Joe Hill!! *clap clap clap* -Definitely one of my favorite reads this year!
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Reading Progress

December 31, 2012 – Shelved
May 19, 2015 –
0.0% "Buddy-read with Randee, Stepheny and Lisa G"
May 19, 2015 –
0.0% "Buddy-read with Randee, Stepheny, Lisa G and....*drum roll please* -Dan 2.0."
May 21, 2015 – Started Reading
May 21, 2015 –
page 43
May 22, 2015 –
page 201
May 26, 2015 –
page 262
May 26, 2015 –
page 398
May 27, 2015 –
page 474
May 27, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 79 (79 new)

Sunny Did you know that Joe Hill is Stephen King's son??? I didn't know until halfway through this book when I started questioning the similarities in their writing styles.

message 2: by Delee (last edited Mar 17, 2014 08:57AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Delee Yes, I did know that. I read it somewhere when In the Tall Grass was coming out.

Rebbie Hi, I was just curious to know if you like this book? It's on my to-read list. I don't want to compare him to Stephen King because that wouldn't be fair, but I do have high hopes for this book. Thanks :)

Delee He stands on his own most definitely. I love it so far.

Rebbie Awesome, I'm so relieved. I'm headed to the library tomorrow so I'll probably pick it up. Thanks :)

Sean Smart A great book - have you tried Hill's Heart shaped box or Horns yet?

message 7: by Stefanie (new) - added it

Stefanie I noticed this was a long one! You worked your way through this quickly Delee, excited to hear your thoughts

Delee It just read so fast- I have NEVER read a 700 page book that

Delee Sean wrote: "A great book - have you tried Hill's Heart shaped box or Horns yet?"

I have read Heart-Shaped Box- I liked it too- but I LOVED this one!

Horns- I haven't read yet- I think will at some point- but his 20th Century Ghost will be next on my list to read of his. For some reason I am not all that excited about reading Horns.

Stepheny You need to get excited about Horns because it's AWESOME. :)

Dustin Delee wrote: "Sean wrote: "A great book - have you tried Hill's Heart shaped box or Horns yet?"

I have read Heart-Shaped Box- I liked it too- but I LOVED this one!

Horns- I haven't read yet- I think will at so..."

Delee, I have yet to read 20th Century Ghost or Horns, either..and this one, for that matter. I loved Heart-Shaped Box, though.:)

message 12: by Delee (last edited May 28, 2015 02:24PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Delee Stepheny wrote: "You need to get excited about Horns because it's AWESOME. :)"

No no no no no nooooooo......................


At least not yet....maybe.



Stepheny I'm a sad panda. :(

Delee You know I will cave at some point- sad panda- so quit being alllllllll mopey.

Stepheny Lol I'm just trying to guilt trip you. A different method of book pushery!

Delee Ohhhhhhh is that different? I think

message 17: by Delee (last edited May 28, 2015 03:06PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Delee Your methods are like the 5 stages of grief...


Denial- I can't belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeve you're not going to read this.

Anger- What the hell is wrong with you??? READ IT!!!

Bargaining- I will loooove you more if you read this...:D

Depression- I don't know what I will do if you don't read this. *sigh*...I am just going to be over here in the corner...moping....*bigger sigh*.


Acceptance- Fine FINE!! I will read it....


Stepheny BWHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA!!! Yessss. This is why we're such great friends-you accept me for who I am! Lmao!

Becky Seriously, read Horns. Its amazing.

Stepheny *high fives Becky and walks away*

message 21: by Ivonne (new)

Ivonne Rovira Stepheny wrote: "You need to get excited about Horns because it's AWESOME. :)"

My husband liked Horns too.

message 22: by Ivonne (new)

Ivonne Rovira Delee wrote: "Your methods are like the 5 stages of grief...


Denial- I can't belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeve you're not going to read this.

Anger- What the hell is wrong with you??? READ IT!!!

Bargaining- I will ..."


message 23: by Stefanie (new) - added it

Stefanie I added Horns and Heart shaped Box they are getting moved to the top of my list


Just read another review that said you refused to read this one. What a pushover...okay, read!!

Richard Great review Delee! I've not read Horns either but feel somewhat compelled to push you into reading it too. READ IT! (Peer pressure works it's magic once again!)

Delee Shhhhhh both of you- you'll wake the beast.

message 27: by Paul (new) - rated it 5 stars

Paul darn now I want to reread this excellent review:-)

Kelly (and the Book Boar) This is an excellent review. Now get off of Goodreads and go read Horns!

Delee Dᴀɴ 2.☢ wrote: "Hey hey, been waiting for this day. Nice job on another fine review. Well, other than slandering my good name, and using some of my imagery!

*Consults lawyer...What do mean those aren't my ima..."

I rest my case. ;)

Delee Paul wrote: "darn now I want to reread this excellent review:-)"

Thanks Paul! :D

Delee Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "This is an excellent review. Now get off of Goodreads and go read Horns!"

Et tu, Kelly?

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Yeah, but I'm a one and done girl and won't hassle you for the rest of eternity ; )

Delee Tis true- tis true. :D

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ Delee wrote: "Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "This is an excellent review. Now get off of Goodreads and go read Horns!"

Et tu, Kelly?"

I liked the movie, up until that crazy ending.

Ashley Marie Dᴀɴ 2.☢ wrote: "Delee wrote: "Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "This is an excellent review. Now get off of Goodreads and go read Horns!"

Et tu, Kelly?"

I liked the movie, up until that crazy ending."

As is generally the case, the book was better!


And I'm so glad you loved this one too! :3

Delee I put it on my list of to-reads- next step purchase. Baby steps. :D

Delee So many bossy little time. ;)

Stepheny I'm difficult??? No, no, no! Let me clarify- I'm very easy to get along with...once you agree to read every book I suggest. :) It really is that simple. ;D

Stepheny Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "Yeah, but I'm a one and done girl and won't hassle you for the rest of eternity ; )"

Aw, that's no fun! ;)

Kristin "....and one of the hardest people to get along with Mr. Dan 2.0" *snickers* You just have to ignore the bullying...but I guess you are used to it with Stefeny lol

Great review! I really need to bump Joe Hill up on my TBR. I've had all of these on my list (except 20th Century Ghost) on my list for quite awhile now. *goes to check the library waitlist*

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ Remember to be nice to 2.0 since he's usually good for an epub or two. Hint hint.

Dustin Awesome review, Delee! And I couldn't agree more, Stephen King and Joe Hill should never be compared, though admittedly it's hard not to. Both are in a class all their own.:)

message 43: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Love your review Delee! I need to read Horns too lol!

Carol Super review Delee!

message 45: by Ivonne (new)

Ivonne Rovira I love this review. And I am never, ever, ever going to read the book. LOL!

message 46: by Delee (last edited Jul 01, 2015 07:20AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Delee Dᴀɴ 2.☢ wrote: "Remember to be nice to 2.0 since he's usually good for an epub or two. Hint hint."

You know I like bugging you. I can't help myself. kinda deserve it at times. ;)

Delee Lisa wrote: "Love your review Delee! I need to read Horns too lol!"

Thanks Lisa- a future buddy-read maybe?

Delee Carol wrote: "Super review Delee!"

Thank you Carol!! :D

Delee Dustin wrote: "Awesome review, Delee! And I couldn't agree more, Stephen King and Joe Hill should never be compared, though admittedly it's hard not to. Both are in a class all their own.:)"

Thanks Dustin- I loooooooove when people agree with me!! :)

Delee Ivonne wrote: "I love this review. And I am never, ever, ever going to read the book. LOL!"

Thanks Lady!! It went on your chicken shelf before I even read the first page- don't you

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