Meghhnaa (On a Review-Writing Break!)'s Reviews > A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
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's review

it was amazing

Quick plot synopsis -

Set against the backdrop of the famous French Revolution, it is a tale of the cities of London and Paris. Mr. Jarvis Lorry (confidential clerk at Tellson's Bank) is travelling to meet Lucie Manette (a ward of Tellson's Bank), to inform her that she isn’t an orphan. They travel together to meet her father in Paris, Doctor Manette (a Parisan doctor), her father, is released from Bastille after 18 years. Currently he is housed in the Defarges' wine-shop, has lost his memory, but starts to regain it upon meeting his daughter and is transported back to London. Post 5 years of this episode, Charles Darnay (French emigrant to England) is accused of a charge of providing English secrets to the French. Another remarkably similar-looking Sydney Carton (a London lawyer), helps in Darnay’s acquittal. Lucie Manette has three suitors- Darnay, Carton, and Stryver (another London lawyer with colossal ego), but she ends up marrying Charles Darnay! On the wedding day, Darnay divulges to his father-in-law about his connection with the French nobleman family. Meantime, in France, Darnay’s uncle, Monseigneur, has been murdered on charges of crime again the French poor people. Darnay is imprisoned in Paris as a nobleman. Doctor Manette, Lucie, and her child all travel to Paris to save Darnay, but in a course of dramatic events, Madam Defarges(the ringleader of the Saint Antoine female revolutionaries , with a nickname "vengeance") makes a strong charge against him in court, Darnay is sentenced to death.

Most heart-rending twist for me, the epitome of selfless love is when-

When the similar-looking Sydney Carton all the way travels to Paris, on account of his selfless love for Lucie Manette, to sacrifice his life to save her husband’s life. Carton gets the information that Defarges are planning to kill Lucie and her child. Using influence he even arranges for the Manettes to leave Paris safely along with Darnay. Alas, Carton dies on behalf of Darnay (epitome of love………)my stomach jumped to my heart, and my heart leapt into my throat…all my organs displaced and shuddered and welled ☹
My views –

The sinister Madame Defarge, with incessant propensity for vengeance, has outgrown all the villainy that I have read so far in any novel. She is emblematic of VENGEANCE AND MALICE!

There are many themes talked about, but what enticed me majorly were around resurrection and family, apart from the atrocities during the French Revolution and projection of the struggle of classes, tainted with violence and hatred.

The striking theme of resurrection, Lucie’s father’s memory recovery, Sydney’s sacrifice of his life to save Charles and family, is analogous to Jesus’s sacrifice!

The importance of the family has been threaded uniformly throughout. Given the centre stage!
From Lucie’s trip to Paris for the union with the long-lost father, to the lamentations of Charles Darney upon being sentenced to death, all more concerned about family than himself. The final nail in the coffin was the sacrifice of Carton(who is not connected to the family, without kinship!), just for the selfless love for Lucie and to protect her family.
While writing this brief, my heart is welling with tears!!!!!!!!!

The majestic opening with the contrasting lines to the profound impactful ending, this classic is an evergreen work of vengeance and love , family and sacrifice!

It was the best of times,
It was the worst of times,
It was the age of wisdom,
It was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief,
it was the epoch of incredulity

No one can sail through the last chapter “The footsteps die out forever” without a heavy heart, without sobbing, without an emotional sadness. The last chapter is the final embellishment of sacrifice and tragedy. Sydney Carton is executed at the guillotine along with other French prisoners, and Charles Dickens closes the chapter with a hypothetical speech on behalf of Carton and marks an end to this tragic tale. The ending melodramatic speech was analogous to the sacrifice of Jesus for the mankind!

This book cannot be given any finite stars…it is an epic laden with infinite stars, of the Dickensian epoch !

“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

NB- This book , like most of the other Dickens’ work cannot be savoured in one stretch, but gradually. It is one of the most emotionally painful novels I have ever savoured ! It is melting…..
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 51 (51 new)

Nora Currie Hi Meghna! This is one of my absolute favorite Dickens books! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it!

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Nora wrote: "Hi Meghna! This is one of my absolute favorite Dickens books! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it!"

Nora, don't ask :/ My heart is still welling with tears, I wrote the review with trembling hands!
What is your take on it ?

Nora Currie I sobbed my eyes out and I was super upset that Sydney Carton had to die and so is my best friend. I totally understand what you are feeling at this moment:((

message 4: by Meghhnaa (last edited Aug 25, 2022 07:22PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Nora wrote: "I sobbed my eyes out and I was super upset that Sydney Carton had to die and so is my best friend. I totally understand what you are feeling at this moment:(("

I totally understand how you would have felt !
My whole body is shuddering and crying, Sydney Carton is "the epitome of love and goodness"....this book and the ending, are totally analogous to the selfless-sacrifice of Jesus :/

message 5: by Di yan (new)

Di yan Terrific review meghna.

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Di yan wrote: "Terrific review meghna."

Thanks :)

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Fabulous review Meghna. You captured the themes, sentiment and tragic elements to this story beautifully 💖

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Margaret M wrote: "Fabulous review Meghna. You captured the themes, sentiment and tragic elements to this story beautifully 💖"

Thanks Margaret 💖 my heart is still brimming with emotional sadness, what a powerful Dickensian work it is!

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) I went on a Dickens spree last year and read and loved most of his books. He is a superb storyteller who never felt the need to provide a happy ending. Certainly tragedy hit many of his characters. I felt the same with this one 💖

message 10: by Meghhnaa (last edited Aug 25, 2022 08:06PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Margaret M wrote: "I went on a Dickens spree last year and read and loved most of his books. He is a superb storyteller who never felt the need to provide a happy ending. Certainly tragedy hit many of his characters...."

Superb Margaret <3, anyone who has read all his works definitely are endowed with a great taste and discernment. It is very evident from your reviews!
Yes, his novels are doused in tragedy, but it pierces the right spots!

message 11: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai I read this book and also watched the 1935 movie. Weird how people younger than me in the film are also all deader than me. Life is fleeting. Enjoyed your review 🤍

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Luffy wrote: "I read this book and also watched the 1935 movie. Weird how people younger than me in the film are also all deader than me. Life is fleeting. Enjoyed your review 🤍"

Thanks Luffy :)
I haven't watched the movie yet. Your lovely words "Life is Fleeting", sums up the notion of the Victorian + Regency Era novels. Classics can never-ever be outplayed!!!!!! <3

message 13: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Oh my goodness. One day I will read this treasure. Fantastic review Meghna as always 💖💖

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Rebecca wrote: "Oh my goodness. One day I will read this treasure. Fantastic review Meghna as always 💖💖"

Thanks Rebecca 💖💖

Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile An excellent review! 😊

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Sujoya wrote: "An excellent review! 😊"

Thanks so so much Sujoya :) <3

message 17: by Chantel (new)

Chantel Fantastic review!!! I've had this on my TBR for so long & have been waiting for the right time to pick it up! I'm so happy to see how much you enjoyed it & how well the story flowed overall. Definitely feels like a classic worth the notoriety!

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Chantel wrote: "Fantastic review!!! I've had this on my TBR for so long & have been waiting for the right time to pick it up! I'm so happy to see how much you enjoyed it & how well the story flowed overall. Defini..."

Thanks so much Chantel :) Not only your reviews, but also your praises are crafted with jewels and threaded with feelings <3

message 19: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh Beautiful review, Meghna! The opening line of this classic is a classic by itself. I am so happy you loved the work too. I mean to reread it some day - it is among my favourite Dickens works. 💕

message 20: by Nika (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nika Wonderful review, Meghna! Heartfelt and so well-written! I’m so glad you enjoyed this classic novel. ❤️

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Rosh wrote: "Beautiful review, Meghna! The opening line of this classic is a classic by itself. I am so happy you loved the work too. I mean to reread it some day - it is among my favourite Dickens works. 💕"

Thanks Rosh 💕I simply adored the time invested in the book, is etched into my heart :) Happy to know that you have already read it!

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Nika wrote: "Wonderful review, Meghna! Heartfelt and so well-written! I’m so glad you enjoyed this classic novel. ❤️"

Thanks so so much Nika 💕

leelu peelu Heard of Charles Dickens in my schooling days.. excellent review and will definitely pick soon... Thanks for the reco💗💕

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Leela Sankhar wrote: "Heard of Charles Dickens in my schooling days.. excellent review and will definitely pick soon... Thanks for the reco💗💕"

Thanks :)
Charles Dickens novels are melancholic, alluding to his own childhood-hardships, but that's life ! If you want to touchbase epitome of literature, do read his works!

message 25: by Sara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sara Jesus Lovely review. This was the book that made fell in love with the classics. Since that I am a big Dickens fan. And I never recover for Sydney dead.

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Sara wrote: "Lovely review. This was the book that made fell in love with the classics. Since that I am a big Dickens fan. And I never recover for Sydney dead."

Thanks a ton Sara :) <3
Yes, his death is eternally etched in the hearts of all Classic lovers :/

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) This is one of my favourite books of all time! I had to put the book down when I was reading it because I was sobbing to hard at the end! This beautiful review has made all of those emotions come flooding back, what a true genius Dickens was! 🧡

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Ellie wrote: "This is one of my favourite books of all time! I had to put the book down when I was reading it because I was sobbing to hard at the end! This beautiful review has made all of those emotions come f..."

Thanks Ellie ❣️
Charles Dickens was indeed a pure genius 👏

message 29: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Wonderful review! 💕

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Jayme wrote: "Wonderful review! 💕"

Oh thanks, Jayme <3 means a lot :)

message 31: by Karina (new) - added it

Karina One day I will try this but I definitely applaud the people that have read this. I hear he is too wordy but sometimes that works. Maybe it’s a “mood book?” Such a wonderful review and your thoughts and feelings on it can be felt.

Mark  Porton I was halfway through your review Meghna and I then stopped as I have to add this and I dont want to know too much. I've embarrasingly only read A Christmas Carol by Dickens, so this, and Great Expectations, are a must read sooner rather than later. Thanks for the nudge :))

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Karina wrote: "One day I will try this but I definitely applaud the people that have read this. I hear he is too wordy but sometimes that works. Maybe it’s a “mood book?” Such a wonderful review and your thoughts..."

Karina, I am thrilled with your kind words! Thankssssssssssss <3 <3 <3
I agree, most of the Classic authors and the poignancy attached to the plot, makes them as a mood-dependent read!

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Mark wrote: "I was halfway through your review Meghna and I then stopped as I have to add this and I dont want to know too much. I've embarrasingly only read A Christmas Carol by Dickens, so this, and Great Exp..."

I join your clan, Mark. I am bashful about not reading much either. We can surely re-start, it is never late! And thanks for nudging me :-)

rachelle (m00dreads) Great review Meghna! Can't wait to pick this one up <3

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) rachelle (m00dreads) wrote: "Great review Meghna! Can't wait to pick this one up <3"

Thanks darling, Rachelle! <3 <3 <3

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Fabulous review Meghna 💖 it is heartbreaking isn’t it 💜

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Margaret M wrote: "Fabulous review Meghna 💖 it is heartbreaking isn’t it 💜"

Thanks, Margaret! It was :/ 💜

message 39: by Kimber (new) - added it

Kimber Silver What an excellent review, Meghna! I've had this one on my read list for quite a while. I need to move it up after reading your fabulous write-up! :-)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Kimber wrote: "What an excellent review, Meghna! I've had this one on my read list for quite a while. I need to move it up after reading your fabulous write-up! :-)"

Thanks heartily, Kimber! <3 <3 <3

message 41: by Ava (new) - added it

Ava Cairns "it is melting..." once again, awesome review Meghna Agrawal

Marquise Lovely! It was one of the classics that didn't work for me, but it was because at the time I was reading about the French Revolution and the historical inaccuracies ticked me off. This and Scarlet Pimpernel suffered because of the real history. :)

message 43: by Cara (new)

Cara What a beautiful review, Meghna💕!!!!! So glad you loved this book so much!!!!!! Glad to see those five shiny stars!!!!!

message 44: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - back but so behind I truly need to read some more Dickens soon. I am sad to say I’ve only read two of his books thus far and he’s incredible. Thanks for such a thoughtful and informative review, Meghna! 💚

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Ava wrote: ""it is melting..." once again, awesome review Meghna Agrawal"

Many thanks, Ava! :)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Marquise wrote: "Lovely! It was one of the classics that didn't work for me, but it was because at the time I was reading about the French Revolution and the historical inaccuracies ticked me off. This and Scarlet ..."

So true, Marquise, the time and mood we read in particular text, is critical! Glad to know your knowledge and intimacy with the French Revolution :) I concur with your point, in short, my dearth of knowledge of the actual history allowed me to fall for this aberration :-D

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Cara wrote: "What a beautiful review, Meghna💕!!!!! So glad you loved this book so much!!!!!! Glad to see those five shiny stars!!!!!"

Thanks most kindly, Cara! :)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Catherine wrote: "I truly need to read some more Dickens soon. I am sad to say I’ve only read two of his books thus far and he’s incredible. Thanks for such a thoughtful and informative review, Meghna! 💚"

Many thanks, Catherine! I too need to read so much more :P

message 49: by Peter (new)

Peter A classic story and a wonderful review to match. I loved reading your thoughts on this one Meghna.

Mark  Porton Hey Meghna - I just realised, it was YOU who made me read this book (and then I stopped reading your review when I knew I had to read this) - I'm halfway through and loving it. Then (and only then!!!!) I'll read, and enjoy your review :))

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