Donna's Reviews > Search

Search by Michelle Huneven
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bookshelves: fiction

First off, if you read this book, prepare to be hungry throughout it with all the descriptions of the food the characters are eating, not to mention the exotic drinks they are sipping. I’m a vegetarian and don’t drink alcohol, but even I heard my stomach rumbling while reading, and I was thirsty for something different than my usual choices.

Why is there so much food and beverages in this book? This is because the MC is part memoir writer and part restaurant reviewer, plus now, she’s on a committee to choose the next pastor of her place of worship, a group that shares many a meal during the choosing process. Who knew a book centered around this topic could be so engaging, especially since the MC and many others on the committee weren’t always the most likable. But somehow, the author made me care about most of them, flaws and all, and the search took some twists and turns. A good dose of humor certainly helped things along, as did the MC’s secret note-taking when planning to write her next book based on the pastor search.

You don’t need to be religious to enjoy this book, which doesn’t really focus as much on churchly matters as matters of the hearts and minds of these characters. I’d call it a mostly lighter read, except for all those heavy meals. Should you read this book, have a snack and beverage handy as you dig in.
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Reading Progress

July 29, 2022 – Started Reading
July 29, 2022 – Shelved
July 29, 2022 –
July 31, 2022 –
August 1, 2022 –
August 10, 2022 – Shelved as: fiction
August 10, 2022 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Great review. I love when a book has a lot of food descriptions!

Donna Thank you, Carmen. I enjoy those descriptions, too.

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