Mark's Reviews > The Lodger

The Lodger by Valerie Keogh
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's review

it was amazing

If ever you have thought of having a lodger, be prepared to think again after reading this!
Leigh,in a flush of kindness, offers her spare room to her fav Barista who she thinks she knows fairly well, how wrong she is….that lapse in Leigh’s normal reserved nature will cost, and cost dearly!
What follows is a torrent of nastiness ( I am not going to give away any of it as each event leads to another and the shocks get worse for Leigh and for the reader 😀 ) and Leigh wonders if she is losing her mind, can she trust herself never mind anyone else, it all leads to a grim, dark and brilliant last line ending
I loved it, great writing, believable characters and even though a horrific tale the odd burst of humour ( the Amazon line made me LOL ) that really is the all inclusive option of stories and reading
Read and enjoy and be prepared never to entertain a lodger again…..
My first book by this author and I will be reading more after this!

5 Stars
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July 25, 2022 – Started Reading
July 25, 2022 – Shelved
July 26, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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StinaStaffymum This is on my list to read in the next couple of days. I can't wait. I've read a couple by her and quite enjoyed them. Great review. Can't wait to read it. 😁

Mark Stina wrote: "This is on my list to read in the next couple of days. I can't wait. I've read a couple by her and quite enjoyed them. Great review. Can't wait to read it. 😁"

Thanks Stina,hope you enjoy it too x

StinaStaffymum I'm sure I will.

message 4: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Great review Mark. 🌞

Mark Thanks Andrea 🤗

message 6: by Louise (new)

Louise Wilson Terrific review Mark!!

Mark Thanks Louise x

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