Sketchbook's Reviews > Salomé
"I have kissed thy mouth, Jokanaan, I have kissed thy mouth."
So exhales Salome in OWs famous-awful play after she receives his head on a silver platter. With his religio rants, Jo was a tiresome bore. Eve, Delilah, Lot's wife -- the Bible views women brutally while serving sex & sadism girdled with inspirational asides. OWs extravaganza is wittily adapted by Ken Russell as "Salome's Last Dance." I got tangled in this Salome mischief after seeing Rita Hayworth's titular calamity in which she dances to save Jo's life. Hollywood added another change : Salome becomes a Christian convert. At fadeout she's off to hear the Sermon on the Mount.
OWs New Testament drama, which has an academic cult, intrigued Richard Wagner, Loie Fuller and Nazimova. On YT you can find snippets from a Spanish version in which Jo and then Salome are naked. The Bible's minx has no name. She's simply a "damsel" who lands a few verses. Flaubert calls her Salome in a short story and she was celebrated by Symbolists Gustave Moreau and Huysmans.
Cue Oscar, 1892. He was cockeyed about the Art Nouveau-Symbolist movement. The tale of a king who'd give up half his riches for a pleasurable experience appealed to him. OW combines childish Biblical language and turgid talk with the Symbolist idiom. It's so over-the-top you never touch bottom.
So exhales Salome in OWs famous-awful play after she receives his head on a silver platter. With his religio rants, Jo was a tiresome bore. Eve, Delilah, Lot's wife -- the Bible views women brutally while serving sex & sadism girdled with inspirational asides. OWs extravaganza is wittily adapted by Ken Russell as "Salome's Last Dance." I got tangled in this Salome mischief after seeing Rita Hayworth's titular calamity in which she dances to save Jo's life. Hollywood added another change : Salome becomes a Christian convert. At fadeout she's off to hear the Sermon on the Mount.
OWs New Testament drama, which has an academic cult, intrigued Richard Wagner, Loie Fuller and Nazimova. On YT you can find snippets from a Spanish version in which Jo and then Salome are naked. The Bible's minx has no name. She's simply a "damsel" who lands a few verses. Flaubert calls her Salome in a short story and she was celebrated by Symbolists Gustave Moreau and Huysmans.
Cue Oscar, 1892. He was cockeyed about the Art Nouveau-Symbolist movement. The tale of a king who'd give up half his riches for a pleasurable experience appealed to him. OW combines childish Biblical language and turgid talk with the Symbolist idiom. It's so over-the-top you never touch bottom.
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message 1:
Dec 28, 2012 08:40AM
Didn't Pacino also direct & starred in one version? Got to see that.