Debleena's Reviews > Stolen Trophy

Stolen Trophy by K.A. Knight
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it was ok

Hard to finish, a completely dissapointing read.

Usually I like KA Knight's books, since it comprises of truly strong heroines who think with both brain and heart, and know when to think logically and when emotionally and good heroes or anti heroes.
This book lacked that, atleast for me. I know I am in the minority but even after reading the reviews and reading it again, I can't bring myself to like this piece.

Birdie(since I forgot the spelling of her other name 🤫) started out as a Spitfire and strong character but then her personality just got buried,never to regrow again. She just withered away, apologizing for something that anyone in her place would do, feeling sorry for betraying the 'trust' of her captors by asking of her help.
(The audacity of the captive to betray her captors by asking for help... Offcourse she should feel sorry and should be treated like trash 😒😒). (view spoiler)

The men were what anyone expects from a typical dark romance novel/book. The jockster, the alphahole leader, the softie who brainlessly follows and the dark douchebag who needs his head to be used as a football.

Had the fmc being actually strong and took these idiots down a notch, a resilient fmc who would not wither with the slightest abandonment from them and stood tall, I would have liked the book alot, but alas this book went down the drain for me. After completing the book, now all I feel is the desperate need to find a good series with an actual strong fmc and anti heroes to erase this book from my mind 😖😖
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June 13, 2022 – Started Reading
June 13, 2022 – Shelved
June 13, 2022 – Finished Reading

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Rachel Reads Romance I'm halfway through this and can't agree more! The punishing her for trying to help instead of appreciating that she protected them and didnt call the police is annoying the hell out of me 😤

message 2: by Amelie (new) - added it

Amelie Banfield okay that whole thing about how she “betrayed” them literally pissed me off so much

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