this_cat_lady_reads's Reviews > My Husband's Secret

My Husband's Secret by Karen Clarke
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Thank you HQ, NetGalley and Karen Clarke for giving me the opportunity to read My Husband’s Secrets. In return I will give my honest opinion of this book.

I’m when browsing, I was drawn to the cover. A beach, check, a pink dress, check. The word “secret” in the title, you’ve got me.

Caitlin’s husband Jack has been in a nasty hit and run accident and returns home. I have been reading so many books lately where the heroine wakes up with memory loss, so this is a nice change for once. The problem is, Jack does not remember recent events, not even their separation at first. Coincidence or on purpose? Then there is Jack’s other “family”, - forgotten - and Caitlin’s “friend” Owen, who does not quite get the hint.

The book is written from multiple point of views, Caitlin’s POV and Lydia’s. I do prefer a book written from first person POV. It starts really slow and feels more like a family drama rather than thriller at first. It picks up at some point and I actually enjoyed reading it. The ending was not quite unexpected, but I found it nicely done. The wheel was not invented again, but I was entertained and that’s all I ask for.

This was my first book by Karen Clark and I found myself enjoying her style of writing. I will definitely pick up some of her other books!

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May 24, 2022 – Started Reading
May 24, 2022 – Shelved
May 24, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
May 25, 2022 – Finished Reading

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this_cat_lady_reads Thank you so much! :) i really enjoyed this book, actually ❤️

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