Imme van Gorp's Reviews > Virgin Flyer

Virgin Flyer by Lucy Lennox
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 1st-person-pov, age-gap, contemporary, dual-pov, fake-dating, lgbtq, love-triangle, romance, ebook
Read 2 times. Last read January 8, 2023 to January 9, 2023.

|| 4.5 stars ||

First read: July 2022 | ★4.5 stars
Second read: January 2023 | ★4.5 stars

This was very fun, cute, romantic and sweet! I enjoyed it so much!

Jack and Teo had such amazing chemistry together. Their conversations were light but also serious: they could truly talk with each other, and they needed nothing besides one another’s company to have fun. They teased, flirted and bantered, but they were also super soft and sweet to each other. They were a great match and I really liked all of their interactions. I could 100% see the love and affection between them, and I loved how much they both adored each other.

However, there are obviously a bunch of insecurities and uncertainties in the relationship due to the whole Chris drama and also because of Jack’s restrictions to date due to him being a pilot.
I liked this, since it kept me on my toes the whole time to find out how and when they would finally be together FOR REAL. I was definitely swooning because of all the longing and pining these 'issues' created between them!
Nonetheless, sometimes I did get a little frustrated and just wanted them both to realise what was right in front of them. The roadblocks in their relationship just kept popping up, and they never really caught a break. It should have been such an obvious choice to just get together, since they both wanted to, but it took them a long time. And honestly, the way they acted with each other was practically like they were already dating anyway, they just needed to make it official!

“Love you,” he murmured in his sleep.
The words lit up everything inside of me even though I knew they weren’t intentional. What if there came a day when he truly did love me?
My heart skittered around in my chest like a mouse in a maze who was desperate to know the quickest way to the cheese.
I would be the luckiest motherfucker alive.

Also, I absolutely wanted to strangle Chris during this whole book. I literally hate him so much, and I wish him nothing but bad karma for the rest of his life.
It’s honestly why I was so confused why Teo was so hung up on him: the guy had no redeeming qualities, so why was Teo desperate to have a future with him? Especially since he had Jack right there, showing him what a loving and caring boyfriend should look like. How can people be so blind?

“The biggest clue he’s batshit crazy over you? He cried when he thought he’d lost you.”

All in all, I really liked this book: it was super engaging and entertaining! I truly liked both of the main characters and their dynamic was easy, sweet and honest.

Lucy Lennox books:
‘Forever Wilde’ series - var. ratings
Shy Sheldon - 2.0 stars
Virgin Flyer - 4.5 stars
Say You’ll Be Nine - 4.0 stars
Hostile Takeover - 4.0 stars
Prince of Lies - 4.5 stars
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Reading Progress

May 1, 2022 – Shelved
July 12, 2022 – Started Reading
July 13, 2022 – Finished Reading
January 8, 2023 – Started Reading
January 9, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 50 (50 new)

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Kati *☆・゚ a win 😍 i'm so happy for you, Imme. This sounds so good. I like Lucy Lennox books very much. Great review.

Imme van Gorp @Kati — Yess❤️ I’ve had a few misses with Lucy Lennox but in general, her books are so good! They have such lovely vibes😌

message 3: by Iman (hiatus) (new)

Iman (hiatus) awwww sounds perfect to mee !! ❤️

Imme van Gorp @Iman — yess, it was really lovely!🥰

message 5: by Lau ♡ (new)

Lau ♡ Great review, Imme! It seems like you are picking all the good sweet romances! Although this seems more dramatic than Emery 🤣

Imme van Gorp @Lau — hahah yes I’m really in a sweet romance type of mood, it seems! There is definitely a bit more drama in this book than there is in Emery, but on the other hand it’s kind of similair, since in both books the two MCs aren’t REALLY together due to circumstances or miscommunication, but act like they are and are just super sweet together.

Rebecca This sounds like a really sweet read. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Imme van Gorp @Rebecca — It was!!😌 Thank you x

Snjez So glad you enjoyed this one, Imme! 💕 It's one of my favorites by this author. 😊 I agree with everything you said. Jack and Theo are wonderful and Chris ... is not. 😂 Great review!

message 10: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Snjez — hahaha I’m happy you felt the same way about this one! It’s one of my favs by this author as well🧡

Ariana  (mostly offline) Lovely review! I also enjoyed this a lot! 😄

message 12: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Ariana — Thank you☺️ And I’m glad to hear that💜

len ❀ yes this one was so cute! it’s the only one i’ve read from this author and as far as i’ve heard, one of her best. i’ve been interested in reading more LL but i hear she does OTT to the max and i just…don’t want that. this is one of her least OTT stories so it’s understandable why many have enjoyed it. glad you loved it, imme! 💙

message 14: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @elena — Yess it was very cute and definitely one of my fav LL books as well. I’ve read quite a few of them, and I liked Say You’ll Be Nine the most next to this one. I can’t really remember if it was very OTT, but I don’t think so. So if you want to try more LL, I’d definitely recommend that one :) I liked a few more of her books though! But there were also a few of her books I despised😬 She’s very hit or miss lol

Cat the bookworm Great review, Imme! I felt the same about Chris 😬 what a jerk

message 16: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Cat — Thanks!🥰 And yea honestly, I think Chris got out of it too easily; I wish Teo would have dumped him as a friend as well :( he was such an arsehole

Kaity Glad you liked it and great review!

i actually DNF'ed this book when i tried, but i wasn't in the right headspace for this. I might have to give it another go after reading your review!

message 18: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Kaity — Aw I’m sorry you weren’t in the right mood for this one when you tried it! I’m sure it could be different if you tried another time, but then again, maybe it just wasn’t for you: it’s possible! x

Kaity @Imme, i think i only got a few chapters in, but i think i was looking for something different, at that point i read a lot of Lucy Lennox's books and i think i needed a change of pace haha. I might give it one more go, but probably within the year.. haha

glad you liked it though!

message 20: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Kaity — hahaaha that makes sense, honestly! Fingers crossed it’ll be a win next time you try it!!❤️ and thank you x

Vanna (on-hiatus) Yay!! ❤️ So glad you enjoyed it too! 💕💕

message 22: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Vanna — Yesss, I definitely did!🧡

message 23: by Florence (new) - added it

Florence . I have had this on my tbr for so long! Lovely review, it really made me want to finally read this one! 🥰

message 24: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Florence — Thank you💜 And yea, I hope you do! Ans hopefully you’ll also enjoy it!🥰

Nazanin Great review, Imme! Glad you had fun reading it! 💞

message 26: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Nazanin — Thank you😘

message 27: by hope (new) - added it

hope I’m not a fan of Lucy Lennox but this sounds good based on your review so I might check this out, awesome review! 🥰

message 28: by Iz (new) - added it

Iz Ooh I've had this book on my TBR for ages! I might have to bumb it up on my to-read list. Glad you enjoyed it 😍

Kati *☆・゚ Yes yes yes, I’m forever grateful you made me read this and it is on top of my rereading list as well 😍

~Nicole~ Gosh, I hated that dude so much too!!!!!!! I was frustrated he got out of the picture so late in the book!!! 🤣

message 31: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @hope — yea, Lucy Lennox is very hit or miss so there are definitely a few that didn't work for me either haha

message 32: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Iz — ah yayy, I hope you’ll love it❤️

message 33: by Exina (new)

Exina Aww, the first quote is so sweet! Amazing review, Imme. xx

message 34: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Kati — I’m so happy that this was a win for you; I love that I made you read this succesfully😉💗

message 35: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Nicole — He was dreadful and I wanted to kick him out of the book so hard😂

message 36: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Exina — Love that quote as well😘 thanks x

Leia Rose Yes! I loved this one too. I’m so glad you liked it. 😁

message 38: by lila ⋆ (new)

lila ⋆ i love your review smm! and do they have an oblivious relationship-not-relationship going on? i love when that happens... <3

message 39: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Leia Rose — Thank you! I’m happy to hear you loved this too💗

message 40: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Summer — hhaaha yes they kind of do but they’re also fake-dating, so it’s a combination of that ;) But thank you❤️

message 41: by Federico (new)

Federico DN Awesome! Finally a near perfect romance <3. Wonderful review Imme! Also, hope Chris gets it xD

message 42: by Jel (new) - added it

Jel Great review, Imme they sound so cute together. You made me want to read it 🤠❤️

message 43: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Federico — Yesss, it’s exactly what I’d wanted in a romance💕💕 Thank you x

message 44: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Jel — I hope you will!!😍 This was adorable, honestly❤️

message 45: by nia ✿ (new) - added it

nia ✿ uh this sounds like a book i'd also enjoy & i wanted to read another ones of lucy lennox's books anyway~ great review~

message 46: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @Nia — ah yess, enjoy!!❤️

message 47: by A (new)

A Mac Love that the author was able to give meaningful dialogue to the characters that added so much positive to their relationship. Glad you enjoyed this one so much, and great review!

message 48: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @A Mac — Thank you!! It was definitely a good one💕

thosemeddlingkids I just started this one and already am digging it!

message 50: by Imme (new) - rated it 5 stars

Imme van Gorp @thosemedalingkids — oh yayy, I’m really glad to hear that! It’s really such a fun and sweet book❤️

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