alisha's Reviews > The Bridesmaids

The Bridesmaids by Victoria Jenkins
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: mystery-thriller, 2022april, finished-arcs

if i read a messy thriller i’d at least like for it to be messy AND entertaining

2/5 stars

really messy and indistinguishable voices - i found myself waiting for another character to say the current narrative character's name so i could remember who was who and half the time it didn't even happen so like what's the point
ending flopped and didn't keep up the tense pace/foreshadowing
i really thought there was going to be another twist but all of the actual twists just didn't surprise me
ok i'm jaded and what
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Reading Progress

April 23, 2022 – Shelved
April 25, 2022 – Started Reading
April 26, 2022 – Finished Reading

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