Manny's Reviews > Where's Spot?

Where's Spot? by Eric Hill
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bookshelves: children, life-is-joyce

Before I'd read Ulysses, I must admit I was sceptical about claims that every novel written since can do little more than recapitulate it in one form or another. But now my eyes have been opened: at a glance, it is obvious that Where's Spot? is in essence no more than an abbreviated, non-sexist, non-speciesist version, retold in a manner suitable for three year olds who like lift-the-flap books.

Penelope (Spot's mother) has evicted Ulysses (Spot's father) from Ithaca. Traumatized, Telemachus (Spot) reenacts his progenitor's wanderings in symbolic form; reversing the roles, Penelope goes in search of him. After unsuccessfully looking among the Lestrygonians (the hat box) and Nausicaa's island (behind the sofa), she eventually finds him in Circe's palace, engaged in an S&M orgy with three soft toys. [Surely some mistake? - Ed.]
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Reading Progress

January 1, 1990 – Started Reading
January 1, 1990 – Finished Reading
November 30, 2012 – Shelved
November 30, 2012 – Shelved as: children
December 11, 2012 – Shelved as: life-is-joyce

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Bettie (new)

Bettie Brilliant!

Manny Thank you. It all fits, doesn't it?

message 3: by Bettie (new)

Bettie Sure does, however it took your perspicacity to expose it.

Manny You're too kind. I'm sure a dozen academic papers have already been written about this, exploring the ideas in far greater depth than I could!

message 5: by Bettie (new)

Bettie aaah, but not with Spot

message 6: by Rowena (new)

Rowena Haha! LOVE it!I must say, this book has always intimidated me but now I'm thinking I'm going to take on the challenge and give it a go ;)

Manny It's not as tough as it's generally made out to be. Persevere, and I know you will get to the end!

message 8: by Richard (new)

Richard Disgusting! Look what he did to the toys!

message 9: by Rowena (new)

Rowena Whew, thanks for the vote of confidence, Manny!

Manny Well, I got stuck under the kitchen table on my first read (a notoriously tough bit), but I looked up some criticism on the web and succeeded on my second attempt. I would advise against Derrida's analysis though, it confused me more than it helped.

message 11: by s.penkevich (new)

s.penkevich Ha, awesome. And accurate. Amazingly accurate.

notgettingenough Rowena wrote: "Haha! LOVE it!I must say, this book has always intimidated me but now I'm thinking I'm going to take on the challenge and give it a go ;)"

Manny wrote: "It's not as tough as it's generally made out to be. Persevere, and I know you will get to the end!"

Wow, I had no idea people found Where's Spot so hard. I read it when I was five and now I'm thinking I must have missed something. One of those works of modern literature like Catch 22 I read before I should have.

Manny Show-off.

message 14: by Richard (new)

Richard Manny, perhaps our friend is notgettingenough children's literature and she's gettingtoomuch of this satirical/historical stuff.

message 15: by Rowena (new)

Rowena notgettingenough wrote: "Rowena wrote: "Haha! LOVE it!I must say, this book has always intimidated me but now I'm thinking I'm going to take on the challenge and give it a go ;)"

Manny wrote: "It's not as tough as it's ge..."

:D This thread is making me laugh so much! You must be some sort of child prodigy ;)

Manny I'm just not an Eric Carle fan, and my kids were never that keen on him either. To be honest, I'm not sure I'm remembering the orgy sequence very well. Maybe I need to reread it.

message 17: by Ms. Smartarse (last edited Aug 26, 2017 11:33AM) (new)

Ms. Smartarse Dear God,
I am actually an atheist heathen, but on the off chance that you actually exist... Please, please, let me see the world with Manny's eyes just once, and I'll die a happy clam..

Not yours and completely unfaithful,
Ms. Smartarse

P.S. the analysis totally made my day, Manny. :)))))))))))

message 18: by Shama (new)

Shama Brilliant!

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