Diane Barnes's Reviews > Gather at the River: Twenty-Five Authors on Fishing
Gather at the River: Twenty-Five Authors on Fishing
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Thanks again to Cathrine for this recommendation. You don't have to like fishing, or eating fish or cleaning fish to like these essays. You'll be happy to simply read some fine writing by familiar authors. Most of them are southern, though a few tell about fishing experiences in the west or north.
This book is available on Hoopla for those who want to try it out.
This book is available on Hoopla for those who want to try it out.
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Gather at the River.
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Apr 26, 2022 10:42AM
Two very important thumbs up will make me read a book that I would have thought would not appeal at all...not being a fisherman. Thanks, Diane.
Chris Offutt offers up a fish story that beats them all. Silas House, Michael Farris Smith, Taylor Bown, etc. All quick little essays. I read one each morning with my coffee.