Jeanette (Ms. Feisty)'s Reviews > Mouth to Mouth

Mouth to Mouth by Antoine Wilson
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bookshelves: america, all-fiction

2.75 stars

What if you saved the life of a stranger and subsequently found out he was a sadistic jackass. Would it have been better if you had let him die?
If this book weren't so short I might have DNF'd it. It's a well-written, quick read with a nice flow, but it was ultimately a bit of a disappointment. This is one of those books that starts off with an intriguing premise that draws you in right away, after which the whole thing becomes a trudge. You keep reading in hopes that there will be a big payoff, but it never quite lives up to the promising start.
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February 13, 2022 – Shelved
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Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by Shelley (new)

Shelley Definitely an intriguing premise!

message 2: by Judith (new)

Judith E A big moral question in a tiny book. At least it wasn’t 800 pages and unanswered.

message 3: by Barbara K (new)

Barbara K Sorry it was a disappointment, Jeanette - but thanks for sharing your thoughts. I've seen references to this one and was tempted. Now I think I will give it a pass.

Jeanette (Ms. Feisty) Shelley wrote: "Definitely an intriguing premise!"Yes, and the way it is "resolved" is kind of freaky, but I should have just skipped to the end.

Jeanette (Ms. Feisty) Judith wrote: "A big moral question in a tiny book. At least it wasn’t 800 pages and unanswered."Ha! If it had been 800 pages I would have bailed at page 200.

Jeanette (Ms. Feisty) Barbara K wrote: "Sorry it was a disappointment, Jeanette - but thanks for sharing your thoughts. I've seen references to this one and was tempted. Now I think I will give it a pass."A lot of people are raving about it, but honestly I do think you'd find it lacking.

message 7: by Caroline (new)

Caroline It starts with a tasty premise - rescuing someone who turns out to be vile. Sorry that it went downhill from there.

Jeanette (Ms. Feisty) Caroline wrote: "It starts with a tasty premise - rescuing someone who turns out to be vile. Sorry that it went downhill from there."
I just need to get it through to my brain that for me these days most contemporary fiction is going to be a bit of fluff, insubstantial. Then I won't be disappointed.

message 9: by Sue (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sue Davis Hi Jeanette: I agree completely with your comments. It did get trudgy—Jeff the pompous jerk goes on and on. And what can we believe?

Jeanette (Ms. Feisty) Sue wrote: "Hi Jeanette: I agree completely with your comments. It did get trudgy—Jeff the pompous jerk goes on and on. And what can we believe?"Yes, it's hard to believe him when he doesn't make clear his purpose in finally telling the story after staying silent for so many years. He meets an old acquaintance by chance and makes this huge decision on a whim to tell him everything? Hmmm... Suspicious.

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