Dina's Reviews > Where's My Hero?

Where's My Hero? by Lisa Kleypas
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bookshelves: historical-romance, anthology

Short review for these short stories...

Surprisingly - for me, at least - Kleypas's story was my least favorite. It was good, but I think it could've been better if it had been written as a full-length novel. Jake and Lydia needed more time to sort things out, IMO. But it was very nice to revisit Derek and Sara (Dreaming of You), who are one of my all-time favorite couples.

I loved MacGregor's story. Simon was a favorite character of mine since I "met" him in Born in Sin and I was happy to see him find love with an adorable lass like Kenna.

Quinn's story was good too. Light and entertaining, as usual. Ned and Charlotte were very likeable, and his "poem" at the end of the book cracked me up. I finished the story with a huge grin on my face, and that's a good thing.

Having read all the books that had featured these heroes/heroines before, I enjoyed reading their way to the HEA in this anthology. I don't know if readers who haven't would miss any background info to enjoy it, though.
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Reading Progress

February 3, 2009 – Shelved
February 3, 2009 – Shelved as: historical-romance
March 6, 2009 –
page 101
26.93% "I´ve only read Kleypas´s story so far. It was good, but I had more fun catching up with Derek and Sara than reading about Jake and Lydia."
Started Reading
March 7, 2009 –
page 243
64.8% "I´ve just finished MacGregor´s story. It was very good and, so far, my favorite in this anthology."
March 7, 2009 – Finished Reading
July 18, 2009 – Shelved as: anthology

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Danielle The Book Huntress (last edited Mar 14, 2009 11:05AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

 Danielle The Book Huntress That is so funny. That's exactly what I thought of this book. I was disappointed in Lydia, Sara and Derek's (one of my favorite couples) daughter's story and with Jake Lynley, who is a fixture in the universe. I agree that it should have been a full length.

Simon's story was my favorite. He is so adorable. I wish he could have had a longer story too.

Dina Anthologies are usually "problematic" to me - I usually find myself enjoying only one of the novellas and regretting having bought the book - but this one was an exception. All things considered, I liked all 3 stories and, yes, Simon´s was my favorite too. :)

 Danielle The Book Huntress Yes, I know what you mean. Usually with the Anne Stuart novellas I just read the Anne Stuart stories.

message 4: by Deb (last edited Jul 31, 2010 01:31PM) (new) - added it

Deb I usually read novella stories only from the authors I already know, unless I'm interested in "auditioning" a new author. That was the case with this antho. It was the first thing I'd read from Quinn and I became an instant fan. I've since read her entire backlist, including the books that originally starred Ned. I loved his story in this antho. I read MacGregor's story and enjoyed it, having read Born in Sin. I don't remember reading Kleypas' story, as I've never read anything from her previously and am not quite ready to audition her. Too many books in the TBR pile already.

Dina Gasp! You've never read anything by Kleypas?!? Oh Deb, you must! Her books are fantastic. Forget your huge TBR and get her books, you won't regret it. :D

message 6: by Deb (new) - added it

Deb Dina, I was SO afraid you'd say that. LOL. I love your reviews and honestly trust and value your opinion so if you say I should read Kleypas (and I've heard lots of good things about her), then I will. Having read all Quinn's stuff, I'm in the market for a new historical author anyway. Any suggestions on where to start with her? Does she have any single titles that are particularly good so I don't have to get involved with a series, such as her Wallflower books?

Dina I'm not the only one who raves about Kleypas, so you can bet your house you're going to love her books. :D

I haven't read any of her standalone books yet. My 1st Kleypas was Dreaming of You and it was enough to hook me. It's the sequel to Then Came You, but I didn't read that 1st book and was totally fine with it. I'm very OCD about reading series in order, so if I say that it's fine to read the 2nd book without reading the 1st one, you can do it with no fear. ;)

message 8: by Deb (new) - added it

Deb Thanks so much. I can handle a "duo" right now, so I'll most likely just get both books and read them together. It's the longer series I'm shying away from right now due to that massive TBR list. : )

Dina I hope know you'll enjoy them, Deb. :)

Suzanne Goldberg you gasped..I thudded..didnt read Kleypas, might as well not breath. Dreaming of you is tops. and if they ever cast a movie (and I know this actor is always bandied about for highlander roles BUT Gerard Butler would be Dereck forme

message 11: by Sarah (new) - added it

Sarah Oettli I preferred the Julia Quinn story, then LK and didn’t really like the other one.

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