Ethan the Bibliophile's Reviews > The Kill Order

The Kill Order by James Dashner
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: dystopian, read-2022

After like a month of holding off this review, I'm finally ready...

Okay, admittedly, for a Maze Runner book/backstory, this book means nothing. It's pathetic, probably a two star rating.

However, if you're looking for (deep inhale): an epic virus novel that causes complete and genuine fear 😷, an adventure dystopian (cause apparently those exist?) that's really well paced , awesome action sequences with a really dope gun πŸ”«, again, because I can't stress it enough, a HORRIFYING virus that does horrifying things to people πŸ€’βž‘πŸ€’βž‘πŸ‘Ώ, a super fun cast of characters πŸ•΄πŸ‹πŸ•ΊπŸƒπŸ’ƒπŸ‘«, a devastating ending 🀧, or intriguing but thrilling scenes (another deep inhale) 😨, then do yourself a favor and read this book (of course, you should read the original trilogy first, and THEN admire the beautiful masterpiece that is this book).

At the time that I read this (it was a little while before I'm sitting my fat butt down and writing a review), I hadn't given a 5-star to a book in MONTHS! But I promise you this: if there was ONE book that I could have SWORN would not get that first 5 star in a while, it would have been this one. Heck, last year, I even DNFd it after the first chapter. And then I tried it again, determined to finish it, and whaddya know, it was magnificent.

This teaches ya a lesson, kiddos: NEVER (most of the time), EVER (most of the time) judge a book by what you've heard about it. Always, always, always (most of the time) give the book a try. I had heard so much crap about this, and that helped me DNF it after one chapter. Another lesson kiddos: NEVER (I mean NEVER), EVER (I still mean NEVER) judge a book by its first chapter. That's just............ stoopid.

So anyways, blah blah blah, stop yapping about this book being *.+sO gOoD*.+, and get to the WHY WAS THIS BOOK SO GOOD!?

Simply put: it was really scary. The flare was 10/10,, 20/20,, 100/100 the BEST and most horrifying thing, disease, and excuse for a zombie apocalypse that I have ever witnessed. In this book alone, it showed what the flare did to the infected, how it changed them, and how they slowly got crazy as the book progresses. And then there were just THOSE SCENES, where the suspense was IMMENSE. Like, the "jump scares" in the original trilogy felt like a cheap jump scare that you see in, like, an action movie. They were average; not predictable, but also not original, which to me, can be equally annoying in certain areas.

Also the characters. Mark was such a delight to read as, and his *.+.*+.*GIRLFRIEND*.+*.+.* was... actually tolerable... UNLIKE TERESA, THAT STUPID LITTLE RAT!!!!! Okay, so here me out: I'm notoriously awful with remembering book characters' names, so I'll refer to them as follows: the old guy (was it Al?) was a BOSS, and I would LOVE NOTHING MORE than for him to lead me through the apocalypse. The older girl (Lani?????) was not very memorable except for one scene... unfortunately, if you know, you know. And Deedee: adorable. Kids in books, when they're not snobs, are actually amazing. Deedee was no exception.

I think that that's it: scary virus, suspenseful scenes with said virus, awesome characterizing, and fun action sequences with cool guns..... very cool guns...

If you made it this far, thank ya very much 😁 and I hope that you have a very good day. Stay tuned for more reviews by yours truly, because surely you want your brain to feel mushed and numb after every review by me you read.

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Reading Progress

January 22, 2022 – Shelved
January 22, 2022 – Shelved as: dnf
February 9, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
May 3, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read-asap
May 5, 2022 – Started Reading
May 9, 2022 –
page 98
29.97% "This is really sad... like, the virus is so real in this book. It's not just a zombie apocalypse like in The Scorch Trials (which was it's own kind of fun), but it's actually threatening and mysterious and scary.

Also, I'm loving these characters so much!

This is one of those books where nothing is happening in the most interesting way possible.

Much much much better than I was thinking it would be!"
May 10, 2022 –
page 165
50.46% "Well dang.

This book is actually amazing.


But amazing."
May 11, 2022 –
page 249
76.15% "This is so depressing.......

I love it."
May 17, 2022 – Shelved as: read-2022
May 17, 2022 – Shelved as: dystopian
May 17, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Shay #FreePalestine Ooh, the ending of this one destroyed me. It was awesome tho! Cool you're reading it

Ethan the Bibliophile It was so gooood!!!!!

lydia ‧ ia Great review!! Yayyy I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get why ppl hate this book :P

Ethan the Bibliophile I mean, I get why certain people would hate it, because it's empty, they often are travelling with no destination, and it has nothing to do with the original trilogy; that combination can be really annoying.

Fortunately to us, those people are just objectively wrong.

lydia ‧ ia Haha yeah. Ig I just don't see why people think it's so soul-crushingly boring. I thought it was interesting to see how the Flare began, and to learn more about Teresa's backstory... but yeah a lot of the book does seem like pointless traveling for filler.

Ethan the Bibliophile Yeah! It didn't really accomplish much, but it was still super fun! I feel like that's what people should expect to see in an adventure dystopian.


lydia ‧ ia ahhh, yes, it was especially disconcerting being INSIDE Mark's head as he slowly succumbed *shivers*

Ethan the Bibliophile Ugh I know. And seeing it happen to all of his friends, too.

lydia ‧ ia πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

message 11: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Nailed it. If you liked the main series and want more of it, this book is not for you.

Ethan the Bibliophile Exactly! I would recommend going into it with low expectations so that you're pleasantly surprised with how amazing it is.

message 13: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne That's exactly what I did, as I really despised the characters in the main series and was kind of rooting against them. I was sooooo pleasantly surprised by chapter 10 of this book.

Ethan the Bibliophile There were a handful of characters that I really loved, which made The Fever Code sooooo good to read (I highly recommend it if you haven't read it yet), but yes some characters were so annoying haha. The characterization was amazing.

message 15: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne I keep toting kill order with me. I just need to get on it.

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