Leo's Reviews > The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
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's review

it was amazing

This took me 16 days to finish definitely the longest time I've spent on a book by far. I've been wanting to read this for a long time and I'm glad I've picked up a physical copy up from the library because geez was it a struggle to get through. A very rewarding one but still took a lot of patience, which I usually don't posses. I'm very happy and proud I've finished it but doubt I got the whole picture but still a good classic.
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Reading Progress

January 8, 2022 – Started Reading
January 8, 2022 – Shelved
January 8, 2022 –
page 30
3.76% "By far my most slowest reading experience since I've started learning how to read. It might be translated to Swedish and probebly updated for modern readers but this is quite the challenging read. Although I'm enjoying this a lot. One of the most intresting read and so fun to slowly but surely get the story"
January 11, 2022 –
page 103
January 19, 2022 –
page 252
31.58% "This is taking so much time to read 😩 rewarding yes but one of the toughes books to get through and definitely have to be in the right head space for it."
January 24, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Tracy P. (new)

Tracy  P. Good for you for sticking it out considering the - already difficult to understand text - translation obstacles.

message 2: by Leo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Leo Tracy wrote: "Good for you for sticking it out considering the - already difficult to understand text - translation obstacles."

Yes indeed! Need to pick it back up soon!

message 3: by adya (new) - added it

adya I've been planning to read this book this week, and I'm so looking forward to it :))

message 4: by Leo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Leo Adya wrote: "I've been planning to read this book this week, and I'm so looking forward to it :))"

I hope you'll find it more easier then me to to read! But as I said it's a very rewarding one. It's definitely not something like anything else I've read and it was an interesting experience to read!

message 5: by adya (new) - added it

adya Toria wrote: "Adya wrote: "I've been planning to read this book this week, and I'm so looking forward to it :))"

I hope you'll find it more easier then me to to read! But as I said it's a very rewarding one. It..."

I'm definitely not evolved enough, either intellectually or language-wise to understand this to its core, but I hope that I can get a nice rewarding experience too!

message 6: by Leo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Leo Adya wrote: "Toria wrote: "Adya wrote: "I've been planning to read this book this week, and I'm so looking forward to it :))"

I hope you'll find it more easier then me to to read! But as I said it's a very rew..."

I wasn't that either but still found it rewarding:)

message 7: by Paul (new)

Paul Weiss Well done. Not an easy book to read, I should imagine.

message 8: by Leo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Leo Paul wrote: "Well done. Not an easy book to read, I should imagine."

Thank you, Paul! It definitely wasn't but worth the effort!

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