Misty Marie Harms's Reviews > Parasite

Parasite by Mira Grant
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bookshelves: fiction, kindle-reads, science-fiction, creature-feature

If you were offered the chance to prevent illness, boost your immune system — never worry about taking a pill again, would you do it? SymboGen Corporation is now offering the Intestinal Bodyguard in the distant future. A genetically engineered tapeworm custom fit to your body. Almost everyone has one. It is a medical breakthrough, a miracle. Some things are too good to be true. The tapeworms are not just tapeworms, and they are evolving. Who will win control of the host body when things start spinning out of control. Oh man, this book was excellent. I couldn't stop reading.

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December 12, 2021 – Shelved
December 14, 2021 – Started Reading
December 15, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Baba (new)

Baba Ooh this book does sound like compulsive reading!

Misty Marie Harms Baba wrote: "Ooh this book does sound like compulsive reading!"
I was glued. I got to get the next one tomorrow.

message 3: by Pat (new)

Pat Yikes that sounds creepy! Great review.

Misty Marie Harms Thank you!

Leeanne 🥀 The Book Whor3 🥀 Another great review MM! Added this to my never ending TBR list ☺️

Misty Marie Harms Leeanne ☽ ◌ ☾ wrote: "Another great review MM! Added this to my never ending TBR list ☺️"

Mine is getting to be never ending as well. I am amazed my kindle hasn't broken down carrying all them books, lol.

message 7: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca This sounds so cool! Great review Misty 👌🏻💖

Leeanne 🥀 The Book Whor3 🥀 Lol 😂 I hear ya MM 📚📚📚

Misty Marie Harms Thank you, Rebecca!

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