Anne's Reviews > Fables, Vol. 12: The Dark Ages

Fables, Vol. 12 by Bill Willingham
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bookshelves: comixology, fairytale, graphic-novels, read-in-2021

A new threat pops up that's quite a bit scarier than the Adversary and the end result has the Fables running for the Farm.


But first, we take a peek at how little everyone in Fabletown likes having Pinocchio's father come to town. I like Allred's art in that issue.


The death that happens takes an awesome character off the board (for now) but leaves some very interesting consequences in their wake.
(view spoiler)
We'll see how all that pans out.


As far as this new threat goes, it appears that not everything the Adversary did was terrible. We find that out in this volume as the evil Mr. Dark gets loose from his bonds and flexes his muscles in our world. That he eats teeth was a particularly freaky touch that made a real impression on my poor psyche.
Well done, Mr. Willingham!

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December 8, 2021 – Started Reading
December 8, 2021 – Shelved
December 19, 2021 – Finished Reading

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[Name Redacted] Sadly, as the series moves on from this part it gets less and less...good.

Anne I've heard it both ways. Hoping for the best, though.

[Name Redacted] I really enjoyed it, right up till the last couple volumes. But the seeds for that begin here.

Anne I'm looking into Jack of Fables now just to try to cover all my bases. I've heard not so great things about that one, though.

[Name Redacted] Jack of Fables was one I've never felt quite consistent on, but it is fairly important reading if you want to understand "The Great Fables Crossover."

Anne That's what I thought. Thanks for confirming it.

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