Lori's Reviews > The Sentence

The Sentence by Louise Erdrich
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The title is a triple entendre. To explain would be to spoil. And three things comprise alternately or simultaneously the foreground and background of The Sentence: the haunting of Birchbark, Louise Erdrich's real bookstore, by a fictional regular who won't leave; the murder nearby of George Floyd by then-Officer Derek Chauvin; and the encroaching virus covid-19 which, as Chauvin did to Floyd, will steal the breath from a disproportionate number of indigenous and black people in the U.S.

I've been a lover of Erdrich's work since her debut, Love Medicine, with its unforgettable first scene in which June Nanapush lays down in the snow and [redacted]. This and her prior novel are standalones but most of her fiction features recurring characters, families, across place and time. She's been a master of character. I was pleased while reading her trilogy to encounter some of the same characters from the Love Medicine series. Her books are low-key though tragic events occur. They're character-driven.

And so is The Sentence. It's a book I appreciate more having finished because what Erdrich was doing was not always clear and there were low-key scenes that seemed slow but turned out to be important. There's a lot here. I haven't even mentioned the books. So many fine books are mentioned, recommended, read, purchased, they're collected in an appendix. There's a bit of what Erdrich could probably collect into a full volume of Weird Things People Say About Indigenous Peoples in Birchbark Bookstore. And there's one particular character it was hard for me to close the book on. I know I won't be meeting them again, but they're with me. Not going anywhere because June hasn't. Well done, Louise. A strong, quiet book which takes place in the midst of unfolding, escalating drama and tragedy.
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December 3, 2021 – Started Reading
December 7, 2021 – Shelved
December 11, 2021 – Finished Reading
December 13, 2021 – Shelved as: reviewed

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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Jodi Bravo Lori!! This is a wonderful review of The Sentence!! Although I've been waiting patiently for this book to go on sale, I am, in fact, very anxious to read it - especially now, after reading your review. You did a terrific job!!🥇🏆

message 2: by Mark (new)

Mark Porton Wonderful review Lori - The title is a triple entendre - TRIPLE no less, I wish you had explained it to this dullard - as I struggle with doubles - triple is next level. Enjoyed your review again :))

Lori Jodi wrote: "Bravo Lori!! This is a wonderful review of The Sentence!! Although I've been waiting patiently for this book to go on sale, I am, in fact, very anxious to read it - especially now, after reading yo..."

Jodi, thank you so much! Looking forward to reading yours and have a Happy New Year!

Jodi And a very Happy New Year to you, too, Lori!🍾🥂🎉

Lori Mark wrote: "Wonderful review Lori - The title is a triple entendre - TRIPLE no less, I wish you had explained it to this dullard - as I struggle with doubles - triple is next level. Enjoyed your review again :))"

Thanks, Mark! No spoilers :) From what I've seen you're no dullard, glad for the gift of your friendship in '21 and have a happy and healthy New Year to you and yours!

Lori Jodi wrote: "And a very Happy New Year to you, too, Lori!🍾🥂🎉"

Thanks, Jodi :)

Kathleen Wonderful review.

Bonnie G. Nice review Lori. I just finished this one. I always admire Erdrich's books, and I love Birchbark (when i lived in Fargo my monthly trips to the Cities were my salvation and Birchbark was almost always one of the destinations.) This book felt quite different from Erdrich's other books, I guess in part because it is so clearly a broad chronicle of a very specific time but more because it is quite often funny. In any event, I was a fan too.

Lori Kathleen wrote: "Wonderful review."

Thanks very much, Kathleen!

Lorna A beautiful review, Lori. I loved this book.

message 11: by Lori (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lori Bonnie G. wrote: "Nice review Lori. I just finished this one. I always admire Erdrich's books, and I love Birchbark (when i lived in Fargo my monthly trips to the Cities were my salvation and Birchbark was almost al..."

Of course you've been to Birchbark 😎, I'm not surprised at all you're so freaking cool 😘 ...I haven't read The Night Watchman yet, is that different too?
I love her ability to write characters. The Nanapushes and Kashpaws, a soft spot for Sister Leopolda, the whole lot of them since her debut. I've seen humor mentioned a few times, confess I didn't get a lot of laughs beyond some Flora, Pallas's cameo and Pollux's one-liners. I heart Pollux.

Bonnie G. Lori wrote: "Bonnie G. wrote: "Nice review Lori. I just finished this one. I always admire Erdrich's books, and I love Birchbark (when i lived in Fargo my monthly trips to the Cities were my salvation and Birch..."

I love that I have friends who think it is cool I have been to a bookstore! That is a definition of cool I can happily meet. Birchbark is a lovely space, it is small but so welcoming and right next to The Kenwood which is my favorite brunch place in Minneapolis (I left in 2018 so I am not sure its still the best, but it was super yummy the few times I went.)

message 13: by Lori (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lori Lorna wrote: "A beautiful review, Lori. I loved this book."

Thank you so much, Lorna. I'm learning we have similar taste. When I ever catch up from, oh, September when the onset of (redacted ongoing crisis) caused me to stop everything and leave a review unfinished -- I'm looking forward to taking a long look at your books 🌹

message 14: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa I just finished reading this and love it too! Everything melds together as the story progresses.
A wonderful review, Lori!

message 15: by Lori (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lori Lisa wrote: "I just finished reading this and love it too! Everything melds together as the story progresses.
A wonderful review, Lori!"

Thanks so much, Lisa, and so glad you love it :)

Canadian Jen Terrific review, JT. I found this impactful as well :)

message 17: by Lori (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lori Jen wrote: "Terrific review, JT. I found this impactful as well :)"

Belated thanks, Jen! I'm not JT but I'll take the compliment 😁😂

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