Holly B (slower pace!)'s Reviews > The Appeal

The Appeal by Janice Hallett
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: mystery, read-in-2021, should-have-been-a-dnf

Outlier opinion ahead....

The premise sounded so intriguing and addictive.

We are asked to uncover the truth behind a murder!

Did I solve it? A big NO. Maybe you'll be able to unwrap this mess one?

I became frustrated and annoyed early on (15 suspects)! A lot of rambling from a lot of characters, the mystery is just weighted down with message overload! My head was hurting. I didn't want to start "taking notes" just to keep up with all the busy bodies. Secrets, lies and misdirection are all embedded in emails, texts and documents (it felt like a stack of paperwork-nooooo).

The format was tedious (for me), though the pace does pick up around 80%. There are two themes (2 appeals), one surrounding a play that I found extremely dull and one dealing with a fund-raiser called A Cure For Poppy. They intertwine, but I was too distracted for the brain power needed (perhaps December was the wrong month for this one)!

I won't go on and on and on......

Its a clever idea, but I was never engaged, others have left 5 star reviews.

Just me perhaps ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks to Atria and EWPlus for my early copy. OUT Jan 25, 2022
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Reading Progress

November 30, 2021 – Started Reading
November 30, 2021 – Shelved
November 30, 2021 –
page 0
0.0% "Download from EW!"
November 30, 2021 –
December 1, 2021 –
35.0% "Issy is sooo annoying......
What a judgemental bunch. My head is hurting now....."
December 1, 2021 –
35.0% "Issy is sooo annoying......
What a judgemental bunch. My head is hurting now....."
December 2, 2021 –
December 3, 2021 –
December 4, 2021 – Shelved as: mystery
December 4, 2021 – Shelved as: read-in-2021
December 4, 2021 – Shelved as: should-have-been-a-dnf
December 4, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 88 (88 new)

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Oh no! You make me nervous to read this. Sorry it didn't work for you, Holly. I hope you love your next read!

Jayme This seems to be another BIG HIT or BIG MISS for readers! I will know soon which camp I end up in! 😬 Great review-hope you love your next!! ❤️

Holly  B (slower pace!) Meredith wrote: "Oh no! You make me nervous to read this. Sorry it didn't work for you, Holly. I hope you love your next read!"

I truly hope you have better luck Meredith! I'll be curious for your thoughts!

message 4: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Oh too bad Holly. The first 89% a drag??? Yikes!! Good luck on your next one!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Jayme wrote: "This seems to be another BIG HIT or BIG MISS for readers! I will know soon which camp I end up in! 😬 Great review-hope you love your next!! ❤️"

BIG MISS here, lol, lol....

message 6: by Regina (new)

Regina Fifteen suspects is toooooo many. I can definitely see how this one would feel like a slog! Hope your next book is a winner. xx

message 7: by Michael (new)

Michael David (on hiatus) Ok, I think I've made my decision to pass on this one. Thank you, Holly! Lol! Fantastic review!

Marialyce I am definitely going to let this one go to my not interested pile.

message 9: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson What a crazy read. This would not be for me. Sorry it was a fail but your review is terrific!

message 10: by Kat (new)

Kat I'll stick with being entertained by your fabulous review, Holly. I can see why your head was hurting!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Barbara wrote: "Oh too bad Holly. The first 89% a drag??? Yikes!! Good luck on your next one!"

Just not for me! Loving my current reads though, so Yay!

message 12: by Nazanin (new)

Nazanin Great honest review, Holly! Sorry it didn't work out for you!

message 13: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa ~ Bantering Books Thanks for taking one for the team, Holly. You've convinced me to definitely pass on it. :)

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Well definitely not just you Holly! Join me for a drink on outlier island? I think we need it after that one! 🏝 LOL fabulous review! 💞

message 15: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Sorry this wasn’t for you Holly ! Fantastic review !!

Ceecee Sorry it wasn’t for you Holly - great review and hope you love your next one!

message 17: by Yun (new) - rated it 3 stars

Yun Great review, Holly! Sorry this was a bust! Always a bummer when it's a book others loved. Hope you enjoy your next read a lot more! :)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Regina wrote: "Fifteen suspects is toooooo many. I can definitely see how this one would feel like a slog! Hope your next book is a winner. xx"

It was for me Regina!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Michael wrote: "Ok, I think I've made my decision to pass on this one. Thank you, Holly! Lol! Fantastic review!"

I def. should have dnf'd this one!

message 20: by Kaceey (new) - added it

Kaceey 100% agree! Wasn’t for me either Holly!🤦🏻‍♀️

Melissa (Always Behind) Argh, I wish I would have skipped this one. Excellent review, guess I'll just skim my way through that first 3/4.

Nancy (playing catch-up) 15 suspects is definitely a bit excessive. I love that you shelved it as a “should have been a dnf”. 😂

message 23: by Beata (new)

Beata Pity it was such a disappointment, Holly ... Too many cooks and so on :))

Holly  B (slower pace!) Marialyce (absltmom, yaya) wrote: "I am definitely going to let this one go to my not interested pile."

Oh, I'd love to hear your thoughts, haha!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Terrie wrote: "What a crazy read. This would not be for me. Sorry it was a fail but your review is terrific!"

It was a mess for me Terrie, but everyone is different and others seem to "get it"

message 26: by Seneca (new) - added it

Seneca Great review, Holly! Sorry you didn't enjoy this one :(

Derek (I'M BACKKKK!) This does sound intriguing with a unique format but completely get your points, especially 15 suspects! Sorry this one did not APPEAL to you... ha... I'll see myself to the door...

Holly  B (slower pace!) Kat wrote: "I'll stick with being entertained by your fabulous review, Holly. I can see why your head was hurting!"

Yes, it was swimming, LOL

Holly  B (slower pace!) Nazanin wrote: "Great honest review, Holly! Sorry it didn't work out for you!"

Thanks Nazanin!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Melissa wrote: "Thanks for taking one for the team, Holly. You've convinced me to definitely pass on it. :)"

Honestly, it wasn't a fit for me!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Catherine wrote: "Well definitely not just you Holly! Join me for a drink on outlier island? I think we need it after that one! 🏝 LOL fabulous review! 💞"

Right? Thanks for joining me on the island. I was feeling pretty lonely..... haha, onto the next!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Lucy wrote: "Sorry this wasn’t for you Holly ! Fantastic review !!"

I was sad it didn't work! Thanks Lucy!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Ceecee wrote: "Sorry it wasn’t for you Holly - great review and hope you love your next one!"

Thanks Ceecee, I know you loved it and I really tried!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Yun wrote: "Great review, Holly! Sorry this was a bust! Always a bummer when it's a book others loved. Hope you enjoy your next read a lot more! :)"

I know, it is bound to happen at some point. Thanks Yun!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Kaceey wrote: "100% agree! Wasn’t for me either Holly!🤦🏻‍♀️"

Thanks Kaceey! Makes me feel better!

Julie Terrific, honest review, Holly! Sorry this one didn't work out for you, though. 💖

message 37: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle Fantastic review, Holly! 💕 I remember thinking to myself after I finished this that people are either going to love this or hate this. Sorry it didn't work for you. I hope your next book is 5 star worthy.

message 38: by Kay (new)

Kay Oh dear, 15 suspects?! The author really wants to make it hard to crack.🤪

message 39: by Kendall (new)

Kendall Oh no 🙊 haha. Sorry girl this one sounds pretty bad. Def skip!!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Melissa (LifeFullyBooked) wrote: "Argh, I wish I would have skipped this one. Excellent review, guess I'll just skim my way through that first 3/4."

It was so over my head Melissa, hopefully you can follow better!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Nancy wrote: "15 suspects is definitely a bit excessive. I love that you shelved it as a “should have been a dnf”. 😂"

LOL, you know how it goes!

message 42: by Tina (new)

Tina Oh no! Sorry this one wasn't for you. I hope you love your next one!!!

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) Thank you for this great and honest review Holly, I am so sorry this one wasn't for you!

message 44: by Sheyla ✎ (new)

Sheyla ✎ Great honest review, Holly.

Holly  B (slower pace!) Beata wrote: "Pity it was such a disappointment, Holly ... Too many cooks and so on :))"

LOL, yes too many cooks!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Seneca wrote: "Great review, Holly! Sorry you didn't enjoy this one :("

Thanks Seneca! :)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Derek wrote: "This does sound intriguing with a unique format but completely get your points, especially 15 suspects! Sorry this one did not APPEAL to you... ha... I'll see myself to the door..."

I thought so too! But, ultimately it failed me. Hope you have good luck with it!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Julie wrote: "Terrific, honest review, Holly! Sorry this one didn't work out for you, though. 💖"

Thanks Julie, I tried to like it!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Michelle wrote: "Fantastic review, Holly! 💕 I remember thinking to myself after I finished this that people are either going to love this or hate this. Sorry it didn't work for you. I hope your next book is 5 star ..."

It happens! Glad others have enjoyed it!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Kay wrote: "Oh dear, 15 suspects?! The author really wants to make it hard to crack.🤪"

Impossible for me! LOL

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