Antoinette's Reviews > These Precious Days: Essays

These Precious Days by Ann Patchett
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: american-author, american-literature, audiobooks, essay-collection, favorites

To say I loved these essays is an understatement. Ann Patchett shared with us, her readers, a chunk of her heart and soul.
These essays touch on family, friends, books, writing and her time at university. They all were a personal and heartfelt exploration of topics close and dear to her heart.
I loved learning about her father and 2 stepfathers and how they each influenced her life. Snoopy was the first to inspire Ann to write. Who can say that? I am dying to read Kate Di Camillo’s books. I almost feel like taking up knitting again. For all you Updike lover’s, there is an essay where he plays a major role. Ann loved Updike’s novels.
The author has so much love and compassion for the people in her life. I wish she was my friend! If not my friend, then I’d love to meet her.
Wonderful book that I listened to. Ann does her own narrating. Gave it an even stronger personal touch.
I highly recommend it!!

Published: 2021
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Reading Progress

November 28, 2021 – Shelved
November 28, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
October 17, 2022 – Started Reading
October 17, 2022 – Shelved as: american-author
October 17, 2022 – Shelved as: essay-collection
October 17, 2022 – Shelved as: audiobooks
October 17, 2022 – Shelved as: american-literature
October 17, 2022 –
page 0
0.0% "Just finished listening to the first essay on her three fathers. Outstanding! I am going to love this collection, without a doubt."
October 31, 2022 – Finished Reading
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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Antoinette It is wonderful, Elyse.

message 2: by Cheri (new) - added it

Cheri Love seeing your 'update,' Antoinette!

Antoinette This book is a cornucopia of treasures, CherI!

Antoinette I just finished listening to Reading Kate DiCamillo, Elyse. Wow!! I had tears streaming down my face and just wanted to put all her books on hold. She’s not an author my kids read as they were older by the time her books started coming out.

Diane Barnes Ann Patchett is a treasure, and so was this book.

Antoinette Totally agree, Diane.

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Glad you enjoyed so much Antionette. Great review 💖

message 8: by Kara (new)

Kara Hansen Fantastic review Antoinette! Glad you enjoyed this one.

Antoinette Thanks, Margaret.

Antoinette Thanks, Kara! This is so worth reading.

Melissa (Always Behind) Fantastic review Antoinette, I love Patchett's writing. I need to get to this one.

message 12: by Julie (new) - added it

Julie G (books for the Apocalypse) Lovely, Antoinette! I am really looking forward to this one. (I won a copy of it, can you believe it??).

Antoinette Thanks so much, Melissa! This book is so perfect- you will love it.

Antoinette Julie, good for you- winning a copy. I never win:( I can hardly wait till you read the essay with Updike- close to the end. I thought about you while listening to it!!

message 15: by Julie (new) - added it

Julie G (books for the Apocalypse) That's so sweet, Antoinette. I'm excited to read it!

Tundra Glad to see you join the ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ club on this one.

message 17: by Julie (new)

Julie Fantastic review, Antoinette!! Sounds good! 💖

Antoinette 5 stars all the way, Tundra!!

Antoinette Thanks, Julie! I think you would like this book. A very honest look at slices of her life..

Bianca I felt the same way, I wish she was my friend.

message 21: by Anne (new) - added it

Anne Antoinette, it sounds like you had a very special listening experience with this book. I'm sold!

Antoinette Bianca, I love that you felt the same way:)

Antoinette Happy to hear that, Anne! I’ll look forward to hearing what you think. I’ll be shocked if you don’t love it.

message 24: by Cheri (new) - added it

Cheri I have a hardcover copy of this somewhere, packed away, but have yet to read it. I may have to listen to it, instead - I hadn't even thought of that, but I'm glad that you enjoyed listening to it. Wonderful review, Antoinette!

Antoinette This was perfect as an audiobook, Cheri, as Ann, herself , is reading. But I’m sure it would be excellent as a book as well. Thank you:)

Laysee Antoinette, this is such a lovely review as is only fitting for this set of heartwarming essays.

Antoinette Thank you, Laysee. It is the best collection I have read.

Karen Yes! Just so good!
Wonderful review Antoinette!

Antoinette Thanks so much, Karen!

Terrie  Robinson I just bought the paperback but maybe I should listen to it, too, since the author narrates it. Looking forward to reading it. Wonderful review, Annette!

Antoinette Thanks, Terrie! I know you will love this one, whether you listen or read! I’ll look forward to seeing your review!

message 32: by Laurie (new) - added it

Laurie I need to read this! Wonderful review. I took up knitting 3 years ago so I could knit and listen to books!

message 33: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Lovely review, Antoinette. Patchett is an amazing writer!

Barbara So agree.....

Lorna A beautiful review of a lovely book, Antoinette. This is one of my favorites by Ann Patchett, and the art work on the book covers is beautiful.

Antoinette Thanks, Laurie. That’s a great idea- I have become hooked on my audios, but I only listen to them when walking or biking. I should take up knitting again along with listening!!

Antoinette Thanks so much, Jen! I agree she is an amazing writer- I almost loved these essays more than her novels!!

Antoinette Love to hear your agree, Barbara.

Antoinette Thanks so much, Lorna! It felt so personal, didn’t it? I loved immersing myself in it. A perfect listen!

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