Mo's Reviews > The Trouble With Valentine's Day
The Trouble With Valentine's Day (Chinooks Hockey Team, #3; Gospel, Idaho, #2)
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The Trouble With Valentine's Day.
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message 1:
Feb 15, 2018 09:27AM
It's crazy how much our tastes can change over the years. I did enjoy the first book in this series. I noticed your review and thought maybe I'd give it a try...hit the Amazon button, low and behold, I owned it but had never read it. It was like a little gift to me 😉
~Kristin~ wrote: "It's crazy how much our tastes can change over the years. I did enjoy the first book in this series. I noticed your review and thought maybe I'd give it a try...hit the Amazon button, low and behol..."
Love when that happens ... " you purchased this book ....."
Love when that happens ... " you purchased this book ....."
Ira wrote: "Yep! Happening to me too, I even cringed to see many of my previous five stars! 😬"
Same here, Ira. Sometimes I feel like going back and downgrading a lot of them.
Same here, Ira. Sometimes I feel like going back and downgrading a lot of them.