jv poore's Reviews > My Heart Is a Chainsaw

My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
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bookshelves: buried-under-books, donated, heyssel-classroom, young-adult, horror

Jade Daniels is an angry adolescent with a slasher-movie addiction. Constantly clad in her janitorial coveralls, complete with combat boots and often topped by hair as brightly colored as Indian hair can be, she exudes the air of an inexplicably embittered being.

May be typical teen angst. Could be, she’s truly had it tough. Either way, the look-plus-attitude tends to keep other students at bay.

History teacher extraordinaire, Mr. Holmes, makes generous allowances for Jade’s assignments. He accepts her SLASHER 101 thesis. Holmes even reads it. But for all of his best intentions, he misses the big picture Jade is trying to paint.

Sheriff Hardy has, very unfortunately, gotten to know the poor excuse that serves as Jade’s father pretty well. Tab Daniels is not a fine, upstanding man. So, it’s little wonder that Hardy cuts Jade some slack as she acts out against the world.

When Jade meets Letha, the beautiful, confident new-girl-on-the-block; her frustrations find focus. The Final Girl has arrived. Jade suspects that her hell-on-Earth, otherwise known as Terra Nova, is cursed. There’ve always been stories and scary legends, but Jade feels the evil. Which is why she so generously shared portions of her SLASHER study-guide with Letha.

Letha sees what the well-meaning history teacher missed and being a genuinely good girl, reaches out to the sheriff with the hopes of helping her new friend. But things in the tiny town take a violent and deadly turn. Certain it’s the moment she’s been waiting for, Jade joyfully flings herself into the danger and mayhem. As the remains of savaged animals and humans pile up, the person (or thing) behind the murderous rampage remains a mystery.

I’ve just visited “my” high-school students for the first time this school year. When I asked what they wanted to read, hands-down Thriller and Horror topped the list. And then I went home and picked up My Heart is a Chainsaw. Pretty sure that Mr. Jones wrote this to their deepest, darkest desires and I cannot wait to take this treasure to them.

This review was written by jv poore for Buried Under Books, with huge thanks for the Advance Review Copy to donate to my favorite classroom library.
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Reading Progress

October 22, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
October 22, 2021 – Shelved
October 22, 2021 – Shelved as: buried-under-books
November 4, 2021 – Started Reading
November 17, 2021 – Shelved as: donated
November 17, 2021 – Shelved as: heyssel-classroom
November 17, 2021 – Shelved as: young-adult
November 17, 2021 – Shelved as: horror
November 17, 2021 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by CG. (new) - added it

CG. You'll have to tell me what you thought of this one, when you're done! :)

message 2: by jv (new) - rated it 4 stars

jv poore CG wrote: "You'll have to tell me what you thought of this one, when you're done! :)"
Gladly! So far, so awesome!!!

message 3: by CG. (new) - added it

CG. jv wrote: "CG wrote: "You'll have to tell me what you thought of this one, when you're done! :)"
Gladly! So far, so awesome!!!"

Can't wait! Happy to hear you're enjoying it! :)

message 5: by jv (new) - rated it 4 stars

jv poore Sue wrote: "Waiting for my turn on audio"
I will be looking forward to your thoughts, Sue!

ReadAlongWithSue recovering from a stroke★⋆. ࿐࿔ jv wrote: "Sue wrote: "Waiting for my turn on audio"
I will be looking forward to your thoughts, Sue!"

As soon as I’m able 😁

H (no longer expecting notifications) Balikov Looking forward to your update based on what your HS students see in this book, jv

message 8: by jv (new) - rated it 4 stars

jv poore HBalikov wrote: "Looking forward to your update based on what your HS students see in this book, jv"
This was very well received by the students, H. They want "more like this"!

H (no longer expecting notifications) Balikov jv wrote: "HBalikov wrote: "Looking forward to your update based on what your HS students see in this book, jv"
This was very well received by the students, H. They want "more like this"!"

Well done, jv!

message 10: by jv (new) - rated it 4 stars

jv poore HBalikov wrote: "jv wrote: "HBalikov wrote: "Looking forward to your update based on what your HS students see in this book, jv"
This was very well received by the students, H. They want "more like this"!"

Well do..."

Thank you, H. There are a whole lot of people who help me get books to "my" students.

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