Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader's Reviews > The Tell-Tale Heart

The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
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's review

it was amazing

I first read this in middle school English class with a teacher who absolutely adored Poe’s works. This is my favorite from him, and this re-read during spooky season was perfection and brought back many memories from reading it the first time- where I was, how I felt. I love how reading can do that for us.

If you are looking for a quick read this fall in the form of a classic that stands the test of time, check this one out.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: and instagram:
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October 3, 2021 – Started Reading
October 3, 2021 – Shelved
October 15, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by Tina (new)

Tina I think I need to read some Edgar Allan Poe. It has been a looooong time for me too! Great review!

message 2: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Terrific review!

message 3: by Melissa (new)

Melissa ~ Bantering Books I think I'm gonna have to reread this one too. It's been ages, and I think I've gone long enough without reading some Poe. :)

message 4: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Another great review, Jennifer ;)

message 5: by JanB (new)

JanB A perfect October read :)

Melissa (Always Behind) I don't know if you read YA, but Mindy McGinnis had a book last year The Initial Insult that is a total homage to Poe, and the second book in the duology comes out next spring. I loved her Poe references.

message 7: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Terrific review! 💕

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Tina wrote: "I think I need to read some Edgar Allan Poe. It has been a looooong time for me too! Great review!"

Thank you, Tina! His books and stories are so perfect for this time of year!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Jayme wrote: "Terrific review!"

Thanks, Jayme!

message 10: by Jade (new)

Jade Saul Great review

message 11: by Jayme (new)

Jayme What a great re-read! Wonderful review!

message 12: by Linda (new)

Linda Jennifer, I too fell for Poe with this gem and it was in junior high like you! I love how you mentioned how a book can take us back to the time we first discovered it.. so true! It is like a magical power, isn’t it? Thank you for sending me back to junior high this morning and leaving me with a smile on my face, my friend.

message 13: by Julie (new)

Julie G (remembering the good old days of GRs) I love Poe and it makes me very happy that his readership always rises in October! (Same with Ray Bradbury).

message 14: by Sassy (new)

Sassy RN I've loved him since high school . I had to read The Raven and that was it . I was hooked!

message 15: by Cheri (new) - added it

Cheri Love your review, Jennifer! I was introduced to Poe by my grandfather, and remember this one still. I may have to add this one in sometime this month!

message 16: by Glenda (new)

Glenda Love the review Jennifer. I read this many years ago and remember loving it. So glad you enjoyed it.

message 17: by Julie (new)

Julie Great review, Jennifer!! One of the best! 💖

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Melissa wrote: "I think I'm gonna have to reread this one too. It's been ages, and I think I've gone long enough without reading some Poe. :)"

Yay, Melissa! Enjoy!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader JanB (vacation till Oct 18) wrote: "A perfect October read :)"

Diane wrote: "Another great review, Jennifer ;)"

Thanks so much, Diane and Jan!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Melissa (LifeFullyBooked) wrote: "I don't know if you read YA, but Mindy McGinnis had a book last year The Initial Insult that is a total homage to Poe, and the second book in the duology comes out next spring. I lo..."

Wow, Melissa, I think I’d enjoy this one, too. Thanks so much for the rec!

message 21: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Good pick Jenni!! 💗

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