Lisa of Troy's Reviews > The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
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Get your Turkish Delights ready!

Brothers and sisters, Edmund, Peter, Susan, and Lucy discover the world of Narnia by hiding in a wardrobe. However, all is not well in Narnia which has been gripped by the terror of the Witch. Can the Witch finally be defeated once and for all and at what cost?

This book is a quick read and plunges right into the adventure. Within 20 pages, we have been introduced to Narnia which was a welcome relief after reading too many books with extremely long ramp up periods. The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe also knows how to stir the emotions and perfectly described the feelings of disappointment when one of the characters told the truth only to be devastated when her family member does not back her up.

There were some repeat characters from the first book; however, I just did not get enough of the Witch. She says things that are laugh out loud funny. In contrast with The Magician's Nephew, this book did not seem as well written as the first. The first book was not as predictable as this one, and I found it more interesting. This book read more like a feel-good family story. Also, The Magician's Nephew has in my opinion one of the most memorable endings ever written. In The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, the ending was not nearly as remarkable.

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41.27% "Never heard of Turkish Delight before. Is this any good?"
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Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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message 1: by Yvonne G (new)

Yvonne G I haven't read this book since I was a child and that was several decades ago. Brings back some lovely memories, I was a bookworm even way back then!

Turkish delight is amazing, but you do need to have a sweet tooth!! You can either have it plain and dusted with icing sugar, or covered in chocolate. If you get the chocolate version though, it has to be made by "Frys" in the pink/purple wrapper - everything else is just a poor imitation :)

Enjoy the book :)

Lisa of Troy Based on all of the glowing recommendations of Turkish Delights, I placed an order. The shipping from the UK to the US is a bit delayed so I can be transformed into another world in mid-September when it finally reaches my door. Thank you everyone for the feedback! Much appreciated!

message 3: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Great review! ✨

message 4: by Dion (new)

Dion Harper If you're a fan of gritty action thrillers involving Guardian Angels. You'll enjoy A Secret Cavalry

message 5: by Kay (new)

Kay I've only seen the movies, an awesome review Lisa!

Lisa of Troy Lucy wrote: "Great review! ✨"

Thanks, Lucy!

Lisa of Troy Dion wrote: "If you're a fan of gritty action thrillers involving Guardian Angels. You'll enjoy A Secret Cavalry"

Thanks, Dion! I did enjoy The Amber Spyglass as well.....

Lisa of Troy Kay wrote: "I've only seen the movies, an awesome review Lisa!"

Thanks, Kay! I haven't yet seen the movies, but I am looking forward to them!

C.  (Comment, never msg). We have the boxset to enjoy eventually. I am glad you liked it.

Nancy (playing catch-up) Now I’m curious about Turkish Delights.

message 11: by Ellie (new) - added it

Ellie ha ha ha!!!

message 12: by Ellie (new) - added it

Ellie hey ell bell can you see my texts

message 13: by Ellie (new) - added it

Ellie can you

message 14: by Simon (new)

Simon Mee Interesting debate on whether you should read The Magician's Nephew in order of internal chronology (first) or order of publication (sixth) - wonder how perceptions would change of the books according to the order they are read in.

message 15: by Ian M. Pyatt (new)

Ian M. Pyatt Not my "cup of tea", but I remember my brother enjoying these books many years ago.

Bren fall in love with the sea. Turkish delight!!👏😀. A huge favorite of mine from childhood!

message 17: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Magician's Nephew is my favorite of all the books. I enjoy hearing how it all began and finally knowing why a lamp post is in the middle of nowhere!

message 18: by Fiza (new) - rated it 5 stars

Fiza Pathan A lovely review Lisa! I agree with you, in Narnia we are led directly into the scene of the action instead of being given long background stories. I too felt that 'The Magician's Nephew' had a much more remarkable ending than this title. Narnia brings back a lot of fond memories to me of my vacation time in Bengaluru, India. Glad you enjoyed this one! Looking forward to reading more of your amazing reviews this year 2024! Have an awesome January! :)

Gracie Bangura i have read this book over and over again . i have also watched the movies over and over

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