Deb Whitney's Reviews > Tracking Stolen Secrets

Tracking Stolen Secrets by Laura     Scott
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's review

it was amazing

Alaska State Trooper Helena Maddox and her K-9 Luna team up with local cop Everett Brand to find her sister Zoe. But when Helena's twin leaves her baby on Everett's doorstep things really get complicated. Helena had no idea Zoe had a child and now they are tasked with caring for a baby while hunting the theft ring Everett is certain Zoe is a part of. Helena is convinced her twin is innocent but since they are both looking for Zoe is just makes sense they work together, especially now that a baby is in the mix.

Lots of suspenseful twists and turns in this great story! Highly recommend!
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Reading Progress

August 10, 2021 – Started Reading
August 12, 2021 – Shelved
August 12, 2021 – Finished Reading

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