Rebecca's Reviews > My Heart Is a Chainsaw

My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2021, horror, indigenous-american, sgj

Jade Daniels is a recent graduate of her small town high school in Proofrock, Idaho and everything in her life is absolutely hate worthy. The place, which she has a ‘kind of’ love for, rejects her. Her peers are predictable. Her abusive father and his creepy predator of a friend are real life horror. Jade, obsessed with Slasher films has spent her life wishing and hoping that a slasher would come to Proofrock. When a new girl who lives in Terra Nova, the new rich enclave across Indian Lake, moves in right before graduation, Jade is positive that Letha Mondragon is a final girl and FINALLY things are being set in motion.

Have you ever read a book and thought, Wow, this has been written especially for me. Well, I felt that way with My Heart is a Chainsaw. I absolutely loved this book. My personal love of horror and slasher films in particular definitely helped but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about reading this. I wanted to love this so much and I was really nervous that I wouldn’t. I needn’t have worried.

I adored Jade, she is a very dark, hurt, angry and sad girl. But she is one of the most endearing characters I have ever read. Her knowledge is remarkable, she is a walking, talking encyclopedia of slasher films. Her Slasher 101 sections in the book were my favourite. I loved seeing my personal favourites pop up. I couldn’t keep from smiling.

All of the characters are so well written. Their backstories are all interesting and full. It’s a very addictive read, there are lots of twists and clues being dropped by Jade and just like her the reader becomes invested in solving the mystery. The writing was flawless. The story flowed beautifully.

If you grew up watching Halloween, Friday the 13th, Scream, A Nightmare on Elm Street or any movies featuring the now widely known "final girl" then this is definitely for you. Even if you didn’t, I still highly recommend this fantastic book. I can’t wait to read the next installment in this trilogy.
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November 12, 2021 – Started Reading
November 12, 2021 –
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November 14, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-30 of 30 (30 new)

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message 1: by Jen (new)

Jen Fantastic review Rebecca and I'm so glad that you loved it and it lived up to your high expectations. I have seen all the old school slasher films, but not in years, so I'm hoping this book might have an fun feel of nostalgia for me as well.

Also, I've read a few reviews but either they didn't mention or somehow I entirely missed that this is going to be a trilogy!

message 2: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Rebecca! I totally get what you mean about reading a book and thinking it was written for you! How amazing to have had that reading experience here! :)

message 3: by Bharath (new) - added it

Bharath Great review Rebecca! My horror reading has been limited, but this is tempting based on your review.

Rebecca Jen wrote: "Fantastic review Rebecca and I'm so glad that you loved it and it lived up to your high expectations. I have seen all the old school slasher films, but not in years, so I'm hoping this book might h..."

Thank you Jen! Having seen the films will definitely make this more fun, I can’t wait for you to read it. Re-the trilogy thing I had no idea myself until a few weeks ago when I was looking at the book details on good reads and yeah it’s going to be a trilogy. So exciting! 😍💖💖

Rebecca Yun wrote: "Great review, Rebecca! I totally get what you mean about reading a book and thinking it was written for you! How amazing to have had that reading experience here! :)"

Thank you Yun! I loved this book! Hopefully I feel the same with the second instalment out next year! 💖💖

Rebecca Bharath wrote: "Great review Rebecca! My horror reading has been limited, but this is tempting based on your review."

Thank you Bharath! I highly recommend this one 💖💖

message 7: by Pat (new) - rated it 3 stars

Pat Great review Rebecca. This was probably the best written book I didn’t really love 🤷‍♀️

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) This was on my radar but hadn't added it to the list. Fabulous review Rebecca 💖

Melissa ~ Bantering Books Yay! You loved it, too! "Chainsaw" is one of my favorite reads of the year. Fab review, Rebecca! :)

message 10: by Icey (new)

Icey Lovely review ❤ It is always so wonderful when you come across a book that you so adore!

Rebecca Pat wrote: "Great review Rebecca. This was probably the best written book I didn’t really love 🤷‍♀️"

Thank you Pat! 💖 Oh no, sorry you didn't enjoy it

Rebecca Margaret wrote: "This was on my radar but hadn't added it to the list. Fabulous review Rebecca 💖"

Thank you Margaret, I highly recommend!! 💖💖

Rebecca Melissa wrote: "Yay! You loved it, too! "Chainsaw" is one of my favorite reads of the year. Fab review, Rebecca! :)"

Thank you Melissa! It was wonderful! SO happy you loved it too 😍💖

message 14: by Rebecca (last edited Nov 15, 2021 02:18PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rebecca Icey wrote: "Lovely review ❤ It is always so wonderful when you come across a book that you so adore!"

Thank you Icey! It sure is. It's quite rare for me to vibe with a book as much as I did with this one 🙏🏻😍💖

message 15: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Ansbro The title alone has me nodding in appreciation each time I've seen it (I've seen it a lot, and it's left me with whiplash!).
A wonderful salute to this book, Rebecca!

message 16: by Mohammed (new) - added it

Mohammed Zakri That feeling when you finally read the book you’ve been craving for a while

Rebecca Kevin wrote: "The title alone has me nodding in appreciation each time I've seen it (I've seen it a lot, and it's left me with whiplash!).
A wonderful salute to this book, Rebecca!"

Haha thank you Kevin! Definitely pick this one up if you haven’t already 👌🏻💖

Rebecca Mohammed wrote: "That feeling when you finally read the book you’ve been craving for a while"

Yes! Exactly that feeling 💖

message 19: by John (new)

John Mauro Great review, Rebecca! Sounds like it would be difficult to put this down.

Rebecca John wrote: "Great review, Rebecca! Sounds like it would be difficult to put this down."

Thank you John! Sure was. I loved this book! 💖

Regina I'm thrilled to see this was a 5-star read for you too! Even though I read it months ago, Jade's story has stayed with me. I share your enthusiasm that this is now a trilogy.

Rebecca Regina wrote: "I'm thrilled to see this was a 5-star read for you too! Even though I read it months ago, Jade's story has stayed with me. I share your enthusiasm that this is now a trilogy."

Yes! I read your review and loved it! I'm very excited for book 2 coming out next year! 👏🏻💖😍

message 23: by Sue (new)

Sue Gerhardt Griffiths Superb review, Rebecca! 💞 This sounds like something for my daughter rather than for me 😀 Scary 😱 But you know what I'm adding it anyway 😂

Rebecca Sue wrote: "Superb review, Rebecca! 💞 This sounds like something for my daughter rather than for me 😀 Scary 😱 But you know what I'm adding it anyway 😂"

Haha thank you Sue! Yes, definitely for your daughter and I’d be really interested to see what you think as well 😝😄💖

Jasmine Great review, Rebecca! Jade might be my favourite character ever. Love her. I’m glad this was a five star read for you too!

Rebecca Jasmine wrote: "Great review, Rebecca! Jade might be my favourite character ever. Love her. I’m glad this was a five star read for you too!"

Thank you Jasmine! I loved this book. I can't wait for book 2 next year! 😍💖

Tracy  P. Phenomenal review, Rebecca! Just started listening, and your review makes it sound very enticing! ♥︎

Rebecca Tracy wrote: "Phenomenal review, Rebecca! Just started listening, and your review makes it sound very enticing! ♥︎"

Thank you Tracy. Looking forward to seeing what you think 👌🏻💖

message 29: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Oram Excellent review Rebecca! There’s so much rave about this book and I’m so stoked to now be starting this series!! I literally just started it. I can’t wait to get to know Jade and her story!

Rebecca Kai wrote: "Excellent review Rebecca! There’s so much rave about this book and I’m so stoked to now be starting this series!! I literally just started it. I can’t wait to get to know Jade and her story!"

Thank you Kai! I hope you enjoy, I love this series 💖💖

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