Kat's Reviews > World After

World After by Susan Ee
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We have a date on here.....October 10th??


UPDATED NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so having heard a rumour going around on goodreads that Susan Ee had heard many of the fans prayers about book 2, I immediately checked her blog, as you do, and prepare yourself there is some EPIC NEWS!!!


so yeah Fall 2013, while I can't say I'm too excited about waiting another year (I was still hoping for a Jan 1st release if it had to be released in 2013) but like well all of you I'm just so glad we have news, and this means TITLE, COVER AND SYNOPISIS RELEASE IN THE MEANTIME!!!!!


heres the link to Susan Website incase you had to see for yourselves, you now have permission to FREAK OUT!!!!!

Its been a year and a half, no title, no blurb, no release date, no teasers, no raffe

And it has now changed to 2013, I mean WHAT!!!!

After that ending please Susan Ee, Im dying here PLEASE release the book, can you IMAGINE what the second one is like (view spoiler)

Just please please Susan Ee give us word!

I, just can't survive much longer, I need to know something about this book :(

Until then
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Reading Progress

September 12, 2012 – Shelved
September 12, 2012 – Shelved as: congratulations-you-blew-my-mind
September 12, 2012 – Shelved as: drool-worthy-male-leads
September 12, 2012 – Shelved as: girls-who-kick-butt
September 12, 2012 – Shelved as: just-awesome
July 26, 2014 – Started Reading
July 26, 2014 – Shelved as: cover-is-an-eyegasm
July 26, 2014 – Shelved as: favorites
July 26, 2014 – Shelved as: just-get-together-already
July 26, 2014 – Finished Reading
November 30, 2014 – Shelved as: dystopian
March 7, 2015 – Shelved as: should-be-a-movie-tvshow
May 11, 2016 – Shelved as: young-adult
May 11, 2016 – Shelved as: same-world-fantasy

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Fafiliebe ♥ Warner ♥ Raffe ♥ i have read the books like 2 and a half month ago, now i am starting to pull my hair out .. soon i will end up bald....

message 2: by Kat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kat haha!! I know what you mean! hopefully the book will be released soon then if only for the sake of stopping the fans going bald!

Fafiliebe ♥ Warner ♥ Raffe ♥ hahaha :P:P i hope for a release date ..

Fafiliebe ♥ Warner ♥ Raffe ♥ i seriously don't know how u survived that long...

message 5: by Kat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kat i know i do check Susan Ee's blog in case my dreams come true but nothing!!!!!!!!!!! we shall wait together then because it has been such a long wait, hopefully you wont have to wait as long as i have for the book :D oh 2013 seems ages away...especially after that ending and everything just gimme it!!!!!

Fafiliebe ♥ Warner ♥ Raffe ♥ Ahhh!! i just read the book again yesterday, why do u think i am freaking all over today :P:P hopefully it will be released early in 2013..

Fafiliebe ♥ Warner ♥ Raffe ♥ and that ending killed me the 1st time i read it, my face was numb for like 2 hrs after i finished the book... and my mom was like "what is wrong with you??"
me:"the book, killed me".. mom:"that is it no more books for u" :P:P:P but she can't stop me MWAHAHAHA

message 8: by Kat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kat i think the best thing is to try and forget about this awesome book otherwise you, like me, will get upset thinking about the sequel! haha!! it better be early 2013, january 1st would be best ;)....

Fafiliebe ♥ Warner ♥ Raffe ♥ hahaha AGREED!!! and believe me trying soo hard.. well maybe rereading the book again is not the best way.. ehhh !!!

message 10: by Kat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kat i know the ending is what made the book it was just....amazing ahh why didnt raffe stay around just a bit longer!!! yeah like you when i finished it i was just thinking whoaaaaaa...shock at its awesomeness :)lol, you need to be a reading ninja then if your mum will try and stop you reading!

Fafiliebe ♥ Warner ♥ Raffe ♥ Nehhhhh !!! she tried.. but given up already, well now i am not reading, i have my college and so many homework but this is killing me, i am trying not to start new books so i am somehow reading what i have read already..

and yeah i was like.. plz don't go.. when she said she can move her eye pupils now in the van.. i was praying that raffe would have stayed to see her..

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