MsAprilVincent's Reviews > Doomed Queen Anne

Doomed Queen Anne by Carolyn Meyer
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bookshelves: 2008, nerd, young-adult

Anne Boleyn spends a lot of time plotting ways to get Henry VIII to marry her. Her scheming pays off, and then she's executed.

A large part of the story can be summed up thusly:

Henry VIII: Anne, sleep with me!
Anne: No thanks. Besides, withholding sex is the only weapon in my arsenal, so you're gonna have to make do with cuddling and heavy petting.

It got tedious after a while.

It's hard to know what Meyer's intention is here, because sometimes she attempts to make Anne a sympathetic character, but most of the book deals with Anne's ambitious single-mindedness (I WANT TO BE THE QUEEN). It's hard to make a likable character out of that.

Of course, Anne Boleyn may not, in fact, have been likable in real life; everything I've read about her points in that direction. Meyer does try to explain Anne's motivation here--her family thinks she's worthless, other courtiers think she's ugly, Cardinal Wolsey is a jerk--but it's all speculative, and then, a lot of Anne's history was rewritten by her enemies after her death, so who really knows the truth?

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Finished Reading
December 25, 2008 – Shelved
December 25, 2008 – Shelved as: 2008
December 25, 2008 – Shelved as: nerd
December 25, 2008 – Shelved as: young-adult

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Anna SHE NEVER SAYS THAT. Henry might but she never said that in the book.

MsAprilVincent Anna wrote: "SHE NEVER SAYS THAT. Henry might but she never said that in the book."

Do you know what subtext is?

message 3: by Jose Luis (new) - added it

Jose Luis Anna your kind of right. The text implies that, but sometimes you need to look beyond the text.

Anna Okay is this better? Anne does not say she'll sleep with him, in fact in the whole story you never read that she and Henry are in bed together. I am sorry for raising my voice but I was angry and couldn't help it.

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