Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Hunting Evil

Hunting Evil by Chris Carter
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it was amazing
bookshelves: carter-chris

Imagining the potentially most effective, deadly, and coolest serial killers of all times must have been a challenge, even for Carter.

As often in Carter´s works, the timeline and plot are jumping from and between Hunter to the killer, teaching us the scientific methods used to track the devil and his thoughts, actions, and emotions. What makes one think and realize that technology won´t help us, is the fact that while technology is saving many victims by helping investigators to quicker find the monsters in human form, the widespread and free availability of both information and technology made it in contrary much easier for them to never get caught. Why?

There are estimated few hundred serial killers in the US alone, in Europe it´s the question if there are really fewer or if it´s just the lack of special investigators, education, and training for these, research, and technology that reduces the number, or maybe the state just doesn´t want to spend the extra money for these units and prefers to put a missing stamp onto the file, although it was the already eighth victim killed in exactly the same way.

A surveillance state would save thousands of lives, because as long as potential victims don´t make long hikes in the mountains and stay in larger cities, finding someone to torture, rape, kill, and eat gets much more tricky. But technology, in a positive way, could really help, for instance, simple tracking devices, something such as implanted monitoring devices for sick people, body- and biohackers or wanna be cyborgs, just miniatured so that they could easily be injected directly into the bloodstream or put in some places under the skin, making it far too dangerous to abduct anyone.

That might be one of the best solutions, because sadly, even in the perfect dystopian terror surveillance torture secret prison state, the methods of killers shown in Carter´s work are often so perfect that it won´t help. These people study, maybe from their early teens on when they realize what they are and want to do in life and are as highly motivated as all other sick extremists fueled by a fetish, ideology, or desire. They research everything, of course especially what the flaws and the mistakes of their predecessors were, how to disguise and camouflage, how to buy and construct everything without getting caught, and, most important, how to use the internet, darknet, and the options organized crimes can sell them to find victims, sell their crimes as snuffs movies, and be untraceable.

All of this would have been too tricky before the internet and especially dark web, when it was impossible to not make a mistake because one had to have
more physical contact with potential witnesses and no easy to understand, best and first rated How to serial kill better tutorial on one´s favorite dark web youtube equivalences.

We are so US- und Europe focused that we are not realizing the fact that in the Southern hemisphere, where police hasn´t the same technology and resources, serial killers who have money and expertise could go on hunting trips that go into the k-level, not just the dozens or maximum 3 digit scale.

A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books:
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message 1: by Pat (new)

Pat Awesome review Mario. I’m not sure the Southern Hemisphere though, I live in Australia and we really don’t have many serial killer’s. The most famous one is Ivan Milat. The film Wolf Creek was loosely based on his crimes. No, much more dangerous here are the men who kill their wives or girlfriends. That is an unfortunate epidemic!

I’m not if I’ve read this book, I thought I’d read them all and the cover looks familiar but I haven’t done a review 🤔 hmm. I love their series though!

Mario the lone bookwolf Pat (not getting friend updates currently) wrote: "Awesome review Mario. I’m not sure the Southern Hemisphere though, I live in Australia and we really don’t have many serial killer’s. The most famous one is Ivan Milat. The film Wolf Creek was loos..."

As you say, the most dangerous thing for a woman is to be in a relationship. Can´t give any good advice regarding that.

The series is definitively ultimatively loveable, because he gives extra nonfiction infodumps extra to the great plots and characterizations.

message 3: by Pat (new)

Pat Oh yes, the series is wonderful!

Mario the lone bookwolf Pat (not getting friend updates currently) wrote: "Oh yes, the series is wonderful!"

As you say, truly (awe)inspiring.

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