HR-ML's Reviews > The Duke Undone

The Duke Undone by Joanna Lowell
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England October 1881, onward.

Anthony, a duke, did not get on w/ his late sire, + his late
mom died in an asylum. His sister went missing. Anthony
had dyslexia & PTSD. He drank too much & had difficulty
w/ decision-making. You'd think he would have learned
command & confidence & decisiveness while serving in
the Army?

Per his late sire's will, Anthony accounted to Yardley, who
oversaw the hero's properties and behaviors IE did the H
drink alcohol? create scandal(s)? Anthony was nearly 30.
Surely he would've had an independent solicitor review
this will? Since when did an underling boss around a duke?

Lucy, an artist & seamstress lived w/ her equally talented
'genius' seamstress aunty. These ladies and their friends
faced eviction in the recently condemned large house all
these merchants shared.

Lucy sold the nude painting she made of the H when she
discovered his unknown self, bosky & outside, in an alley.
On another day, h + sober H met. His had justified anger.
Later she asked Anthony to help prevent the eviction.

Anthony at times did not seem present & did not use
his duke power. I kept waiting for him to assert himself,
especially w/ the Y-man. Could Lucy depend on the H?

The MCs seemed good together. The author knew how to
write a story. I wished she'd written a tighter story & left
out too much self-reflection by the MCs.
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Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by OLT (new)

OLT You're having a lot of just-okay reads lately. I commiserate, since I'm having trouble finding much I really like either.


It shouldn't be this hard to find an emotionally satisfying HR.

message 3: by Danker (new)

Danker Agree. Can’t find anything to interest me. I’m reading crime at the moment.

HR-ML Danker,

I'm reading a Peter Lawford bio.

message 5: by Lauren (new)

Lauren I can't decide on this book. So many mixed reviews, though you and I tend to share the same taste. Frustrating!

You're reading Peter Lawford bio? I've heard many stories about him, including his enjoyment of eating (literally) shit sandwiches. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts when you finish the book.

message 6: by HR-ML (last edited Nov 06, 2021 06:05PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

HR-ML Lauren----

No mention of Peter eating those sandwiches. Peter hated
to be alone. He was addicted to alcohol and street drugs
& said he'd have sex with anyone beautiful. He thought
Marilyn Monroe was too needy. I did a GR review on that

message 7: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Oh I found your review. The book looks interesting. The sandwich accusations came from Hollywood pimp Scotty Bowers. So who knows if it's true or not, but now I can't help but associate the rumor to the man :)

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