Kim's Reviews > To Say Nothing of the Dog

To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
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it was amazing
bookshelves: kindle, all-time-favourites

Two weeks ago I'd not heard of Connie Willis or of this novel. It came into my life because I randomly clicked through to this article in The Guardian when I was looking for something completely different. Had I done my random clicking pre-Goodreads, I may well have passed on this novel, because "science-fiction fantasy" does not describe the kind of novel I generally read. But these days I'm much more adventurous, so I jumped right in.

What fun this was! It's a time travel story that (sort of) makes sense, a farce, a romp, a screwball comedy, a comedy of manners, a romance, a mystery and a homage to Three Men in a Boat. It includes some truly hideous Victoriana, the burning of Coventry Cathedral, a dog and a cat, an eccentric Oxford don, a boat, a butler and allusions to writers including Shakespeare, Tennyson, Agatha Christie, Lewis Carroll, and Dorothy L Sayers (which was particularly special for me, because I'm a Dorothy L Sayers nut!). There was even a reference to The Princess Bride, or at least I think there was. (view spoiler)

I absolutely loved reading this, all the more so because I took the advice of some GR reviewers and read Three Men in a Boat first. It's not essential to do so, but I'm very glad I did. This was the ideal novel to read while on holidays and I want to read it again. Here's to serendipitous random clicking, The Guardian and the expansion of literary boundaries brought to me courtesy of Goodreads.
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August 16, 2012 – Shelved
April 9, 2015 – Started Reading
April 16, 2015 –
April 18, 2015 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Jibran (new)

Jibran The few months I have been active on GR have been amazing. I got to discover knew authors and books I'd have probably taken a long time to find on my own, or maybe not at all. Here it's truly a wonderful international meeting place. And so I'm glad to have come across your review of a book I wouldn't have known otherwise :)

message 2: by Seemita (new)

Seemita Aww, your bubbling excitement on this roller-coaster ride of a book is infectious, Kim! Your description of the stories remind me of the quirky yet exuberant story-telling of Anton Chekhov . What gems we discover by being connected! Thanks for this spicy piece :)

message 3: by Kim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kim Jibran wrote: "The few months I have been active on GR have been amazing. I got to discover knew authors and books I'd have probably taken a long time to find on my own, or maybe not at all. Here it's truly a won..."

I was in a reading rut before I discovered GR. For years I had mainly read classics, some literary fiction, books about Middle East history and politics and crime fiction when I wanted something light. GR has made me much more adventurous, although there is still some areas of genre fiction that I'm not that interested in!

message 4: by Kim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kim Seemita wrote: "Aww, your bubbling excitement on this roller-coaster ride of a book is infectious, Kim! Your description of the stories remind me of the quirky yet exuberant story-telling of [author: Anton Chekhov..."

Thanks, Seemita. I'm familiar with Chekhov's plays, but not with his stories. Something for me to discover!

Michael Happy for you for such enjoyment. I couldn't resist rendering up 5 stars for it too. So funny, sweet, and thrilling too.

Hana I'm so happy you enjoyed this one, Kim. It's an all-time favorite of mine and so much fun!

Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽ Love love love this book. I need to read it again. So glad you enjoyed it! This and Doomsday Book are my favorite Connie Willis books. They're set in the same world, but this one has a farcical tone while Doomsday Book is much more somber.

message 8: by Kim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kim Thank you, Michael, Hana and Tadiana. It's great to discover a novel that others have also loved.

Newly Wardell thanks for a quality review.

message 10: by Kim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kim Thanks for your comment, Newly.

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