Stephen Clynes's Reviews > Requiem

Requiem by Celina Grace
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Read 2 times. Last read March 28, 2021.

Follow DS Kate Redman as she solves the death of a young woman she met in a pub the night before.

This is the second book in the Kate Redman Mysteries but it can be read as a stand-alone. As always it is better to read a series in the order they were published. I liked how Celina developed the relationships between the police officers, both for the reader and Kate Redman as she has recently joined this West Country constabulary.

I liked how Celina continued her character development of Kate, members of her family and the other police officers. I loved the plot and the emotions Kate felt having met the victim for the first time before she died the next day. What an awful position to be put into with the shock of it all as Kate walked along the river bank, responding to the crime scene.

I felt cosy reading about Kate’s day job and the reader feels very much fly-on-the-wall. Requiem is a very easy book to roll along with. The pace is steady and has a lovely flow. I liked the linear time frame and the hint that romance could blossom between the police officers later in this series.

All in all I feel that Requiem is a GOOD 4 star read and I will be more than happy to read other books in this series.
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Joe (NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) Krakovsky Nice review, Stephen.

message 2: by Toni (new)

Toni Osborne you did it again nice review of a roll along with book...

Stephen Clynes Thanks Joe and Toni.

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