emma's Reviews > The Mothers

The Mothers by Brit Bennett
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bookshelves: non-ya, literary-fiction, owned, diverse, authors-of-color, reviewed, eh, 3-stars

I have never been a conductor attempting to steer a runaway train that has gone off the rails, but I HAVE read a book when I thought I knew where it was going and was pleased and comfortable with the potential journey only to be stunned and in a state of anguish when it completely abandoned that path and went somewhere I did NOT want to go.

And that is probably kind of the same thing.

This book has the same writing that made The Vanishing Half work so well for me, and yet...

I wasn't able to care about the characters in the same way. I was ABOUT to. I could feel myself giving in.

But then this book went places I hate in books, and all my progress was lost. And even though this was a well-written and definitely not a bad book, I ended it not caring about a single character.

And we have so many of them.

That's not good.

Bottom line: It's always weird to read an author's most successful book and then follow it with their debut. You really see the growing pains.


ya lost me, book.

review to come / 3 stars

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frantically adding books to my currently reading to try to pretend i'm not slumping
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March 24, 2021 – Shelved
August 12, 2021 – Started Reading
August 16, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by Jaid (new)

Jaid I have been in a huge slump too! I've noticed a lot of people going through one. Luckily I just read The Raven Boys (thanks to one of your reviews from the series) and I. Am. Hooked. Pulled me right out my reading slump!

Ashley I read this on my way out of a slump and enjoyed it so so much.

Emma My experience with this book seems to be that if you liked The Vanishing Half, you’ll still like this but slightly less.

message 4: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Jones I feel this on so many levels 😂

emma Jaid wrote: "I have been in a huge slump too! I've noticed a lot of people going through one. Luckily I just read The Raven Boys (thanks to one of your reviews from the series) and I. Am. Hooked. Pulled me righ..."

omg!!! this makes me so happy!

emma Ashley wrote: "I read this on my way out of a slump and enjoyed it so so much."

it's not un-slumping me but i'm definitely enjoying it!

emma Emma wrote: "My experience with this book seems to be that if you liked The Vanishing Half, you’ll still like this but slightly less."

that would be consistent with mine thus far

emma Hannah wrote: "I feel this on so many levels 😂"


Helene Your review has summarised how I feel perfectly. I enjoyed The Vanishing Half so this one disappointed me!

message 10: by sp (new) - added it

sp Interesting!!! I think I can guess where this book goes so I’ll be avoiding this one for awhile. I might give it a chance at a later date. Thanks for the review!

Anabelle Love this for you <3

message 12: by BiblioGrrl (new)

BiblioGrrl I need friends who write funny and-or mean reviews. There just simply aren't enough. Friend request sent!

message 13: by emma (new) - rated it 3 stars

emma Helene wrote: "Your review has summarised how I feel perfectly. I enjoyed The Vanishing Half so this one disappointed me!"

my feelings exactly :(

message 14: by emma (new) - rated it 3 stars

emma sp wrote: "Interesting!!! I think I can guess where this book goes so I’ll be avoiding this one for awhile. I might give it a chance at a later date. Thanks for the review!"


message 15: by emma (new) - rated it 3 stars

emma Anabelle wrote: "Love this for you <3"


message 16: by emma (new) - rated it 3 stars

emma BiblioGrrl wrote: "I need friends who write funny and-or mean reviews. There just simply aren't enough. Friend request sent!"


message 17: by emma (new) - rated it 3 stars

emma BiblioGrrl wrote: "I need friends who write funny and-or mean reviews. There just simply aren't enough. Friend request sent!"


Lauren Agreed. I felt like she wrote most of the book and then didn't know how to end it, set it down for 6 months, came back and slapped on an ending that gave no resolution and gave the characters no growth or expansion. Good writing for much of it and I wanted to be more invested. Sigh

message 19: by Debra (new)

Debra Great review, Emma!

message 20: by emma (new) - rated it 3 stars

emma Debra wrote: "Great review, Emma!"

thank you!

message 21: by emma (new) - rated it 3 stars

emma Lauren wrote: "Agreed. I felt like she wrote most of the book and then didn't know how to end it, set it down for 6 months, came back and slapped on an ending that gave no resolution and gave the characters no gr..."

well said and SUCH a huge bummer : (

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