Lisa Vegan's Reviews > The Locked Room
The Locked Room (Ruth Galloway #14)

Lisa Vegan's review
bookshelves: fiction, goodreads-author, mystery, novel, great-britain, 1-also-at-librarything, cats, dogs, groups-buddies, zz-4star, z2022, readbooks-female-author-or-illust, reviewed
Jul 04, 2022
bookshelves: fiction, goodreads-author, mystery, novel, great-britain, 1-also-at-librarything, cats, dogs, groups-buddies, zz-4star, z2022, readbooks-female-author-or-illust, reviewed
I love this series and always look forward to these books. I read this one as a buddy read with GR friend (artist, politically active) Laura. As always, it was fun to read with her. Since we weren’t reading at the exact same times we sent discussion emails after almost every chapter.
It took until 5 days after publication date for me to finally get an e-copy and audiobook copy. When I finished the book the hardcover edition was still on order so I’m glad I was able to get a Kindle edition. It’s always hard to wait a year between books. This one ended on another cliff hanger but I’m so tired of that part of the story it is not a painful wait for me with this storyline, though I will continue to read these books.
The short chapters made this an easy read and a page-turner. I read it in 3 days over the long holiday weekend.
Kate is 11 and that is a fun age and I’ve always enjoyed Kate’s character, even when she was a toddler.
I read this series to catch up with the characters and their relationships more than for the mysteries. I like seeing how their lives change over time. I like the mysteries too. I also like the settings and the archaeology.
I thought that the mysteries in this were pretty good though. However; there were so many characters in this one. Tons. A lot of the old regulars and some old characters were back and there were more new and temporary characters than is typical. It wasn’t that I had a hard time keeping track of who was who, most of the time, it was that I had so many guesses and there were so many red herrings and potential red herrings that it almost became like a comic play, but without the humor, and scarier. The main problem for me with so many characters is that none of them appeared often enough for me, especially the regulars. The old photograph of Ruth’s cottage/the three cottages was the thing about this book that most intrigued me and there was a satisfying answer to that mystery.
I would not classify this series as cozy but I am appreciative that they’re light on violence and gore. There is suspense but not too much violence on the page, and not in this book. I also adore the humor, all of it good, much of it subtle. It always perfectly fits the characters and the situations.
This is a contemporary series and I do like how the author incorporated the Covid-19 pandemic. I hadn’t read any other fiction books/novels that have done that. I know there are others. The author explains in a note in the back of the book why she did this, and I think it’s worked. I’m not sure what she’s going to do about future books in the series though. The pandemic is going on and one, and she can’t even skip forward to a time when we’re past it because we don’t know when that might be or if there might be other pandemics coming in the near future. I got a kick out of Ruth’s brother talking conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic. He sounded like some people in the United States. I figured that some characters were likely to get the virus. The book opens in February 2020 and a lot of it takes place in spring 2020.
The thing I like least about this series is the love triangle/cheating. I will say that I never enjoy love triangles in any type of story. In fact, I hate them. I really hope that the author brings this part of the story to a conclusion as it’s gone on way too long and I do have strong feelings about how I’d like it to go.
I love the cats and dogs in this book. They add to my reading pleasure in all the books.
I loved the touch of at the end of the book having an excerpt included from the science fiction novel about a cat that Kate is writing.
I appreciated the character list with its details of some of the main characters that is also at the end of the book. Perhaps it should have been placed at the start of the book?
I’m putting the rest of this review in a spoiler tag. If you’re reading the series (or think that you might) and haven’t read this book yet, I recommend skipping the following:
(view spoiler)
It took until 5 days after publication date for me to finally get an e-copy and audiobook copy. When I finished the book the hardcover edition was still on order so I’m glad I was able to get a Kindle edition. It’s always hard to wait a year between books. This one ended on another cliff hanger but I’m so tired of that part of the story it is not a painful wait for me with this storyline, though I will continue to read these books.
The short chapters made this an easy read and a page-turner. I read it in 3 days over the long holiday weekend.
Kate is 11 and that is a fun age and I’ve always enjoyed Kate’s character, even when she was a toddler.
I read this series to catch up with the characters and their relationships more than for the mysteries. I like seeing how their lives change over time. I like the mysteries too. I also like the settings and the archaeology.
I thought that the mysteries in this were pretty good though. However; there were so many characters in this one. Tons. A lot of the old regulars and some old characters were back and there were more new and temporary characters than is typical. It wasn’t that I had a hard time keeping track of who was who, most of the time, it was that I had so many guesses and there were so many red herrings and potential red herrings that it almost became like a comic play, but without the humor, and scarier. The main problem for me with so many characters is that none of them appeared often enough for me, especially the regulars. The old photograph of Ruth’s cottage/the three cottages was the thing about this book that most intrigued me and there was a satisfying answer to that mystery.
I would not classify this series as cozy but I am appreciative that they’re light on violence and gore. There is suspense but not too much violence on the page, and not in this book. I also adore the humor, all of it good, much of it subtle. It always perfectly fits the characters and the situations.
This is a contemporary series and I do like how the author incorporated the Covid-19 pandemic. I hadn’t read any other fiction books/novels that have done that. I know there are others. The author explains in a note in the back of the book why she did this, and I think it’s worked. I’m not sure what she’s going to do about future books in the series though. The pandemic is going on and one, and she can’t even skip forward to a time when we’re past it because we don’t know when that might be or if there might be other pandemics coming in the near future. I got a kick out of Ruth’s brother talking conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic. He sounded like some people in the United States. I figured that some characters were likely to get the virus. The book opens in February 2020 and a lot of it takes place in spring 2020.
The thing I like least about this series is the love triangle/cheating. I will say that I never enjoy love triangles in any type of story. In fact, I hate them. I really hope that the author brings this part of the story to a conclusion as it’s gone on way too long and I do have strong feelings about how I’d like it to go.
I love the cats and dogs in this book. They add to my reading pleasure in all the books.
I loved the touch of at the end of the book having an excerpt included from the science fiction novel about a cat that Kate is writing.
I appreciated the character list with its details of some of the main characters that is also at the end of the book. Perhaps it should have been placed at the start of the book?
I’m putting the rest of this review in a spoiler tag. If you’re reading the series (or think that you might) and haven’t read this book yet, I recommend skipping the following:
(view spoiler)
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 81 (81 new)
message 1:
rated it 3 stars
Oct 20, 2021 01:35PM


You’re welcome, Hilary. I can’t wait. It’ll be interesting to see how she writes in the Covid-19 pandemic.

It won't be out yet until February 2022 for you and June 2022 for me. There might be some advance copies (we should keep an eye out!) but I doubt that any are out yet.

Hilary, Many people rate series books before they read them. I don't know if when they read them they sometimes change their ratings. I remember Harry Potter 7 had tens of thousands of 5 stars and maybe 4 star ratings months before it came out and there were no advance copies for that book. My guess is that a few of the ratings might be from advance copies but most are from people anticipating reading the book. GR does allow this.
It's why though that we can't count on legit ratings until books are out and people have really read them and there are reviews that explain why people felt the way they did re star rating.

Hilary, I agree. I’ve always thought so but it’s been happening since Goodreads started. That’s why I always look at reviews, especially if a book isn’t published yet or if it’s newly published.

Laura, Well I'm #12 on 15 copies of the hardcover but it's still ON ORDER and I'm #1 of 1 copy for the e-book and #2 of 1 copy for the audio book but they say (hopefully incorrectly!!!) that there is an estimated wait for 2 weeks and 4 weeks. I'm used to new hardcovers not being available for a few weeks but streaming materials I was expecting to get sometime between the 28th right after midnight to today. Maybe it will still be today? Sometimes I wish I could buy brand new books and have them day of!! Sometimes I'm frustrated by my library even though I know I have it better than many others do.
ETA: Just checked. No change!
ETA again: There are only 48 holds on the hardcover in the entire city. I guess it's not a popular enough book for the library to hurry up and have copies ready for borrowing.

ETA I didn’t get the first copies in my local county so someone ahead of me already read and returned the paper book yesterday!! I was v surprised to say the least.

ETA I didn’t get the first copies in my local county so someone ahead of m..."
Laura, That is how it's usually happened but I don't know. I've also never seen it say estimated wait 2 weeks. It usually has said available soon. Yes, I get emails and I can also manually check which I am compulsively doing. :-)

Laura, Sadly, no. That isn't how it works. *sigh* Nope, I cannot get a copy yet. It doesn't help that I don't have any "want to read NOW" books at home. :-(

Laura, Well it will eventually come through, The Locked Room book. I should look at it that it is a year long wait between books and the later I read this one the less of a wait there will be for the next one. Ha!
All the books I'm eager to read aren't ready yet. I SHOULD read one of my owned not yet read books. I probably have 100 of them, at least, and a few I SHOULD read asap.

Thank you, Hilary! Me too! I'm really enjoying the book so far.
I just emailed back to your last email.

Thanks, Laura. I like your review too.
I've already found two typos in mine. I'm sure thee are more. If I correct them I want to add some thing to my review. I'd meant to write more about a few things...

Laura, She does do a good job and seems to know cats and dogs fairly well.

Hilary, thanks. I actually just read your email and replied. We’re mostly on the same page.

Margie, thanks. The part of your Post that I linked it’s still driving me crazy but I guess it’s the mark of a great book series to care about the characters so much and feel as though they’re real people. I haven’t read your review yet but I hope you have written some of your own take on the book, or will.

Exactly, Lisa! We are invested in the characters in this series and will keep reading to see what happens to them. Yes, besides linking your reviews with comments about what I agreed with, I also wrote my thoughts about the book, some about how the covid part affected me and a spoiler about the ending which I hope doesn't happen.

Margie, Yes, I read your great review and liked & commented. (You didn't have to link the three reviews. Your review is great and stands on its own.)

Lisa, your review was terrific and I was happy that I could link it to mine! You brought up a lot of great points that I failed to address.
I'm glad you mentioned the list of characters and their bios at the end of the book. I hope Griffiths continues this and I hope she adds to it. I wish all the characters in the book had been listed, not just the main ones. There was one point where I was wondering who Jan was when Nelson is thinking that he needs to get help with Bruno. I forgot about that character from other books. It was also confusing because there was a Janet in this book as well.

You noticed the thing about M. as being more significant than I did and I appreciate that you included (as I have for other books) how irritating it is when R puts herself (and K!!) in danger. It's important to readers to know that.
I do say that the author is doing a lot right to get readers to care so much about hte characters. They feel like real people to me. I feel that way about the Maisie Dobbs series too.

You noticed the thing about M. as being more significant than I did and I appreciate that you included (as I have for other books) how irrit..."
Lisa, Too many characters and I'm glad you pointed that out in your review. The Jan thing had me leafing back and forth through the book trying to find out who Jan was. I finally found her in the author's acknowledgements at the end of the book where she mentioned that Jan Adams was a real person who had won a contest to be in the book which benefited charity and had been in another book also. Then I did remember her, but it would have been easier if she had been in the list of characters at the end of the book. Also, because there was a Janet in the book, it made it more confusing.
The part that I mentioned is (view spoiler)
I agree also that these characters seem so real that we want to keep reading and talking about them. I haven't read Maisie Dobbs yet; I know you like that series a lot. I am reading two other series that engage me with the characters - Louise Penny's Chief Inspector Gamache series and Craig Johnson's Longmire. However, the Galloway series stirs up many more topics of discussion about the characters in my opinion.

It's a great book to discuss but as you know I wish we had a bit less to discuss, or other things to discuss.
I like how the author has that contest to name a character and the charity that benefits. I've mentioned in some of my reviews of other books in this series but not in this one.
I'd like a character list for more people too. It would be fun if she did ones for the animals.

I'd like a character list for more people too. It would be fun if she did ones for the animals."
I like that she has that contest too, Lisa. I'm sure it's very popular as well as being a great way to raise money for her charity. I would definitely take part in a contest like that!
Great idea, a character list for the animals! Flint is a classic cat, one I have grown attached to despite his grumpy ways!

And good for you, Margie, for emphasizing the issue re Michelle - I remembered those parts too but it didn’t really stay with me but I agree it’s important. What if she’s pregnant? Her appearance could be down to morning sickness.

I'd rather pregnancy than cancer. I am tired of the soap opera though. I have been from the start. Whatever it is I wish it would end that aspect but I don't have much hope.

Laura, I've never liked the affair, the love triangle, any of it. As far as keeping the baby I can see it. I'd think she'd have either gotten an abortion or kept the baby. I don't see her going through a pregnancy while trying to keep up her career and then just giving up the baby to be adopted. I'm glad she did what she did but wish it had been with someone else if it was going to happen. I love Kate's character so I'm glad for that reason. No, not believable. Not at all sure why those two would have any interest in one another beyond work and maybe as friendly acquaintances.