Philip's Reviews > The Silver Linings Playbook

The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: author-man, contemporary, movie-is-better

2.5ish stars. (Movie: 4.5 ish stars).

Basically, the movie is better. Its writer/director, David O. Russell, took the basic structure of the novel and turned it into something special. The book is a sporadically entertaining but strange story about a man whose TBI and repressed memories cause him to act and think like a teenager, and the unkind, manipulative, but well-meaning woman who is into it for some reason.

The movie is a nuanced, sometimes hilarious picture of mental health seen through the eyes of two relatable, struggling individuals who match each other’s crazy in a way that might just save both of them. Tiffany in particular is given life in the movie (as embodied by Jennifer Lawrence) in a way that rises above the caricature she’s painted as in the book. But all of the characters and their relationships make more sense and are much more likable as envisioned by Russell.

He also makes several changes to the story that elevate it from humdrum into an exciting culmination of football juju, high-stakes sports betting, and a climactic dance performance at the Benjamin Franklin hotel. He manages to accomplish in two hours what Quick wasn’t able to in 300 pages.

What I’m saying is, this is one of those times you really can skip the book and just watch the movie.

Posted in Mr. Philip's Library
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Melissa McShane Did you see the movie before reading the book, or the other way around? I've read the book but haven't seen the movie yet, but it sounds like I really should.

message 2: by Philip (last edited Jun 03, 2021 09:11PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Philip I saw the movie first, which I loved, and I recommend if you liked the book. There have been a couple times watching the movie first ruined the book for me (The Spectacular Now being a comparable example). And vice versa of course.

Melissa McShane Thanks! That's good advice.

Mel (Epic Reading) I adore this movie. It’s a huge comfort fave of mine (I normally hate romantic comedies of any sort). So thank you for the suggestion to skip the book. I think I will do just that!

Philip Ditto! I love how it subverts the typical romantic comedy. Because it’s so unromantic, but also kind of romantic? Lol

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