Lisa of Troy's Reviews > A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
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Mariam is living a quiet life with her mother when tragedy strikes. Will her new husband rescue her from her situation?

About 20 years later, Laila’s world is crumbling around her. How will her path intersect with Mariam?

The Kite Runner brought me here; however, I will say that I enjoyed The Kite Runner more.

This book reminded me a lot of A Woman is No Man, and I also enjoyed that one more than this one.

One of the things that I didn’t like about this book is how dark it is. Of course, the subject matter is quite heavy, and it isn’t meant to be a lighthearted comedy. However, it was just a bit too dark for my liking. Even in dark circumstances, people can still find joy or hope.

Also, I had a hard time really connecting with Mariam and Laila. There are two things that contributed to this: 1) The author would jump years into the future from one chapter to the next. 2) The author wrote this book in the third-person perspective. It could have been more impactful if the book was written in the first-person perspective, really feeling the characters’ fears and thoughts.

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Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Debbie W. Definitely a must-read!

message 2: by Barb (new)

Barb Loved it

Scott Sowers Yep, I thought Kite Runner was better as well.

Annette Sorry to hear Lisa that you couldn't connect with the character. For me this is one of the best and most memorable reads.

Lisa of Troy This is definitely an outlier review. A Thousand Splendid Suns has ultra high reviews from others. It might be that I went into this with really high expectations after The Kite Runner.

Carolyn Walsh My opinion was much like yours, Lisa! Loved the Kite Runner. This one, not so much

message 7: by aly (new)

aly ☆彡 dark books is always a hard read for me, especially when it takes toll with my emotions. as much as insightful they can be, i mostly read for escapism so i def understand if u tend to cower from it

message 8: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson Sorry it disappointed, Lisa!

Fran Lisa...great review. Sorry you were underwhelmed!💜

message 10: by Laura (new) - added it

Laura H I liked this one better than Kite Runner

Megha I can't choose between The kite runner and A thousand splendid Suns. Both the books described the struggles and hardships faced by different communities of the Afghan society. Although, And The Mountains echoed disappointed me a bit but this book is a masterpiece.

Rain G Hi Lisa, I am sorry to hear that you did not enjoy this book as much as I did.
For me it was an absolute masterpiece.
If the story felt kind of dark, it might be because it authentically reflects the struggles faced by women in these communities.
At the same time, the protagonists characters are admirable—they possess an inner strength that allows them to rise above their harsh reality. That's why I found the main characters truly inspiring :)

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