Susan's Reviews's Reviews > The Last Thing He Told Me

The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave
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Such decent writing.
Such a dull, long winded plot.
Such an unsatisfying ending for me. This one got me down.
I'm rating it a 3.5 out of 5 and reducing it to a 3 because I had just read a hilarious comedy (The Car Share), and was feeling no pain, only to be brought down by this one.

Emotional manipulation, a term I'm borrowing from another Goodreads' friend, is not my thing: people will flock to books that make you cry: I'll only read those if there is redemption and a hint of hope to be found. This one just put a big frown on my face, despite the often decent writing style, although the dialogue was sometimes off or just seemed like a time waster/filler.
This was not my cup of tea and is the second book by this author that left me feeling emotionally unsatisfied. (A little more effort and a solution could have been found. I thought of a few myself: like cosmetic surgery, for one. You can even alter finger prints these days. Why not be inventive? These saviour complex heroines exhaust me sometimes. Halos are a dime a dozen.)
Such a disappointing soap opera!
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Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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Laura Dear I got this from BOTM last month and haven’t read it yet... can’t stand books that make me cry! (Unless they’re happy tears or I loved this book so much I can’t believe it’s ending tears haha)

Susan's Reviews Laura wrote: "Dear I got this from BOTM last month and haven’t read it yet... can’t stand books that make me cry! (Unless they’re happy tears or I loved this book so much I can’t believe it’s ending tears haha)"
Actually, I didn't cry. I just felt so depressed and hopeless for these two women. If something or someone is really important to me, I don't give up so easily and I always fight until someone says: Sue, enough already.
This author painted herself into a corner with her plot and everybody was left miserable. Seriously, it gave me the grumps! maybe I should make that clear. I don't like to be emotionally manipulated like this! The author wants us to think: what a wonderful, self-sacrificing heroine. Nope: not me! Such doom, gloom and dissatisfaction. Grisham did a better job finding a solution for a similar plot, if I remember correctly.
I cried like a baby at the end of These Silent Woods, but the book was incredibly beautiful and I was just so uplifted and hopeful at the end. You feel better, in fact, after one of those cries. Everything ends up okay, although not everyone gets their happy ending. I hope you find some great reads. I'm going to search for a funny romance novel and just forget this one!
Stay well!

Whitney Erwin I feel the same as you on this one Susan!! Great review!

Susan's Reviews Whitney Erwin wrote: "I feel the same as you on this one Susan!! Great review!"
Thank you Whitney! Your support is very much appreciated!
Let's hope we find some really good books to take the edge off these strange times. Stay well, Whitney!

message 5: by Wendy (new)

Wendy W. Thanks Susan. I agree, I don't mind a sad book, but one that doesn't have hope at the end just isn't worth my time.

message 6: by Mischenko (new) - added it

Mischenko Sorry you didn’t love it, Susan, but I can totally understand. Excellent review. 😉

Susan's Reviews Wendy wrote: "Thanks Susan. I agree, I don't mind a sad book, but one that doesn't have hope at the end just isn't worth my time."
I compare this book to These Silent Woods, which also made me cry, I can honestly say that These Silent Woods uplifted me and made me cry HAPPY tears at the end. There ARE good and decent people in this world.
This one just made me drag around my place the entire day, wishing I had never ordered it from the library. What a colossal mood killer this one was. I'm tired of these serial killers and corporate swindlers and Ponzi schemers.
Mind you Grisham was one of the best in his earlier days. His stories used to grab my attention from the very first page.
Best of luck in your reading, Wendy, and stay well!

message 8: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Excellent review, Susan!!

Susan's Reviews Deanna wrote: "Excellent review, Susan!!"
thank you Deanna! I'm trying to find a suitable GIF to express my feelings. This is the fun part of posting reviews for me - the graphic side! Stay posted! (I have a seriously wicked sense of humour!)

NILTON TEIXEIRA Great honest review! I’m currently reading this book and I’m very pleased with the writing. As for the plot, it sounds interesting but so far nothing important or impressive has happened. I think that is has a good flow, but I’m only at 33%.

Susan's Reviews NILTON wrote: "Great honest review! I’m currently reading this book and I’m very pleased with the writing. As for the plot, it sounds interesting but so far nothing important or impressive has happened. I think t..."
Nilton, I don't always like certain books because of certain negative elements of a story. I don't want to give the story away for you. I also liked the beginning section, especially the wood working part. That was so interesting. But the "detective stuff" got so dull and there really isn't anything new that Grisham or the other great thriller writers didn't already put out there. I went from Extreme High, after reading the hilarious Car Share , to downright low after this one, but I hope you enjoy it right to the end!

Terrie  Robinson Sorry this disappointed, Susan. I was turned down for the ARC and probably won’t read it post publication based on the mixed reviews. Thanks for the heads up, too🥰

message 13: by Susan's Reviews (last edited May 31, 2021 07:30PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Susan's Reviews Mischenko wrote: "Sorry you didn’t love it, Susan, but I can totally understand. Excellent review. 😉"
Thanks Mischenko. I find that if I read too many thrillers, I can start to get anxious and I have nightmares. I slept so well after reading The Car Share, then - bang! Down in the dumps.... the truth is a mirage, life and trust is a big scam and true love is out of reach, yadda yadda yadda. Bad timing, I guess! Stay well, and happy reading. (Loved the blast from the past on your Music Mondays blog post!)

message 14: by Susan's Reviews (last edited Jun 01, 2021 08:41AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Susan's Reviews Terrie wrote: "Sorry this disappointed, Susan. I was turned down for the ARC and probably won’t read it post publication based on the mixed reviews. Thanks for the heads up, too🥰"
Thanks Terrie. I am not fond of "sad" or "broken hearted" endings.
These endings are so self-aware and melodramatic. Like a kid having a temper tantrum: there, bang, I've killed off all of my good characters. The bad b=guy won - and I think this is what bothers me the most. The Bad Guys called the shots here. I suppose the author wanted to be realistic, but if I want realism (of sorts!) I'd listen to the news. I cancelled my TV cable because it was all hype. Now, I check news services on the internet and not often at that. Life is more peaceful this way!
Hope you are reading some great books with HAPPIER ENDINGS!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Sorry you didn't love it, but I felt much the same. I do have Car Share, maybe I'll try that soon!

Susan's Reviews Holly wrote: "Sorry you didn't love it, but I felt much the same. I do have Car Share, maybe I'll try that soon!"
Thanks Holly. So many 5 and 4 star reviews. But I have to be honest about my feelings. This book was a disappointment.
For sure you have to read The Car Share! I loved Maxine, and Alex just needed someone to actually be friendly and supportive of the poor guy. These sterile lives that some people are forced to lead in order to maintain the status quo! The Bonus chapter that you send away for was cute too! (sort of like an Epilogue.) The author will send you an email thanking you for reading her book, too! Such a nice personal touch! Happy Reading, Holly!

message 17: by Kat (new)

Kat It might be hard to follow The Car Share with anything that wouldn't seem "down" by comparison - it was such a fun and uplifting book! I'm sorry this one didn't work for you, Susan. Great review! :)

Susan's Reviews Kat wrote: "It might be hard to follow The Car Share with anything that wouldn't seem "down" by comparison - it was such a fun and uplifting book! I'm sorry this one didn't work for you, Susan. Great review! :)"
Thanks Kat. I liked the writing - the author has good technique. The plot was nothing new; the ending was just sad and, the worst word in the world for me: HOPELESS!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Love your review Susan :D! It was more interesting than the book haha. 100% agree, it was on the slower side for my liking as well! Part 1 was not bad, but went a bit down hill from there and not a whole lot actually happens. I also felt conflicted about the ending..

Susan's Reviews Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) wrote: "Love your review Susan :D! It was more interesting than the book haha. 100% agree, it was on the slower side for my liking as well! Part 1 was not bad, but went a bit down hill from there and not a..."
Thanks so much, Joanna! Debbie Downer books (what an odd phrase that is!) need not apply! My sister asked me once why I don't read too many male authors. I actually do read books by male authors, but my experience is that they often end their books sadly: somebody has to die in the end. Saviour complexes annoy me sometimes. I don't watch too many of those Marvel comic adaptations either, for that reason. Too much violence and just too much saviour themes. Get over yourself, I feel like telling these authors. Those are childish imaginings, wanting the admiration of your peers because of your secret hidden superhuman abilities: I'm stronger, bigger, better than you are - tada! I agree with your comments and will now hunt down your review!

Tina (slowly easing back in) I appreciate your honest opinion. I see this one has been getting mixed reviews. I’m on the fence about reading it though. A good and true review Susan!

message 22: by Kaceey (new) - added it

Kaceey Terrific review Susan! Sorry this one fell short for you.

Susan's Reviews Tina wrote: "I appreciate your honest opinion. I see this one has been getting mixed reviews. I’m on the fence about reading it though. A good and true review Susan!"
Tina, unless you like watching soap operas or shows like Dynasty, then this will be wasting your time. That is exactly how I felt about this: it was wasting my time: nothing new and just a manipulation of my emotions. I stopped watching soaps years ago!

Susan's Reviews Kaceey wrote: "Terrific review Susan! Sorry this one fell short for you."
Thanks Kaceey. I no longer follow Reece Witherspoons recommendations. So many of her selections fall short for me. Short-cut and cookie cutter writing doesn't do it for me, at all!

message 25: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - behind yet again!! Always hard to come off of a great read and then find one that falls flat for you...sorry you didn't enjoy too much Susan, hope your next read is wonderful! 💚

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) "Debbie Downer" haha I don't hear that phrase often, I usually use "Negative Nancy".

Come to think of it I haven't read too books from male authors either. Not intentional. I did read one book (Artemis) where the author wrote the most polarising protagonist to the point where it ruined the book for me haha!

Yeah Marvel Comics I'm not a huge fan of, but I dont mind the occasional movie. Like you said its focused on the saviour themes and the action which doesn't interest me that much.

Thanks for finding my review as well, much appreciated :)

Bethany I share the exact same feelings about what I enjoy from authors and books. I kept thinking at the end, that when he turned up looking different, he would pretend to be someone else who was meeting her for the first time. Anyone on the outside looking in would simply think she met someone and they were going through the motions of dating. That would’ve made much more sense! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Debbie Lou I totally agree! It's 1:05am. I stayed up to finish it and now I'm left with fat tears. I'm going to have to reread one of my palate cleansers to get me out of this funk. Nora is always my girl for that!

Allyson Bogie SERIOUSLY on the plastic surgery. Come on!! Throw us a bone here.

message 30: by Julie (new)

Julie Hesketh I'm with you, Might try The car share 😊

Lisa Bianca Another one to give the tick of agreement to your review.
I was really taken with it to begin with ... but the martyrdom, the mistaken sacrifice, the options you suggested could have spared them all.
I was quite disconnected by the end so no tears from me. In the end just a page turner whodunnit, that despite some good writing, led to a deliberately tear jerky ending.

message 32: by Kate (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kate Totally agree, although instead of decent writing, I would call it “adequate”, and not really believable. The heroine wants wayyy too much approval from her step daughter, so much so that it made me squirm with discomfort. I’m not yet finished the book, but am looking forward to seeing how this one winds up.

Janice Boychuk 3/4 of the way through and I couldn’t agree more!! Yawn… so much filler dialogue - the audiobook narrator is flat, slow… one I should read not listen to but now I have to finish it 🙄🙃

Susan's Reviews Whitney Erwin wrote: "I feel the same as you on this one Susan!! Great review!"
Thanks for the comment Whitney. Something odd is going on wtih GR. When I try to reply to one comment, all of them appear at one and the same time in the box! Whaaaaaaat???!!!

Catherine wrote: "Always hard to come off of a great read and then find one that falls flat for you...sorry you didn't enjoy too much Susan, hope your next read is wonderful! 💚"
Agreed. I hope you get this response. All of the comments appeared in one box. So strange!

Lisa Bianca wrote: "Another one to give the tick of agreement to your review.
I was really taken with it to begin with ... but the martyrdom, the mistaken sacrifice, the options you suggested could have spared them a..."

I felt like I was reading a soap opera script. Don't Cry For Me Argentina should have been playing in the background!!

Lisa Bianca wrote: "Another one to give the tick of agreement to your review.
I was really taken with it to begin with ... but the martyrdom, the mistaken sacrifice, the options you suggested could have spared them a..."

Janice wrote: "3/4 of the way through and I couldn’t agree more!! Yawn… so much filler dialogue - the audiobook narrator is flat, slow… one I should read not listen to but now I have to finish it 🙄🙃"
thanks Janice: you are brave to admit this. I definitely felt like I was in the minority. Are they making a movie of this one? I will be sure to miss it, for sure. Oie! Happy reading!

Susan's Reviews Janice wrote: "3/4 of the way through and I couldn’t agree more!! Yawn… so much filler dialogue - the audiobook narrator is flat, slow… one I should read not listen to but now I have to finish it 🙄🙃"
Poor Janice! The book itself is flat - you have the double whammy of a slow read and a boring audiobook! Iwhen an audiobook was terrible, I would set the speed to 1.8 or 2.0 and laugh the rest of the way through the story!

Susan's Reviews Kate wrote: "Totally agree, although instead of decent writing, I would call it “adequate”, and not really believable. The heroine wants wayyy too much approval from her step daughter, so much so that it made m..."
You are 100% right on your reading of this book, Kate. Just "ZZZZZZ"!

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