karen's Reviews > My Heart Is a Chainsaw

My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
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it was amazing
bookshelves: october-is-spooky, death-is-not-the-end, live-through-this

oooh, goodreads choice awards finalist for best horror 2021! WHAT WILL HAPPEN LET’S FIND OUT!


REVIEW TO COME! for now, enjoy the song that was playing in my my head the whole time i was reading this, my smile is a rifle.

i really liked this book...until i loved it.

it came at me like a slasher-villain; stalking me quietly for aaaaages before murdering me spectacularly in the last act, and i never even saw it coming.

i'd been enjoying it—i may be a latecomer to the SGJ-appreciation society, but i'm an enthusiastic member, and this one's got a strong opening scene, a good build, and a memorable teengirl protagonist/unreliable narrator named jade whose obsession with slasher films has earned her the same 'spooky loner' status of any tim burton character

but alas, there's no conga-line-with-ghosts light at the end of jade's tunnel; hers is an ingrained, bone-deep sadness characterized by loneliness, self-deprecation and self-harm. unlike her peers, she's not looking forward to prom or graduation, the only thing she's impatiently awaiting is a real-life slasher event in her hometown.

she views the world through a slasher-film lens, framing her life's events within the context of genre rules and conventions; cataloging the parallels, interpreting the harbinger-y signs, convinced that a bloodbath is imminent, and she's gonna relish watching it all go down.

an outsider through and through, she expects her role in the coming events will be as a witness rather than a participant—she's not planning to instigate this slasher-scenario, nor does she aspire to become the final-girl-heroine of such an event, she just wants to watch the inevitable horrors unfold. her peculiar convictions strew breadcrumbs of ambiguity throughout the pages, but nestled alongside all the doubts and logical explanations surrounding her observations is the possibility that maybe—just maybe—she's on to something.

its tonal stew of creepy and sad ticks all my horror-loving boxes, and it's seasoned with wry humor and slasher-film references out the wazoo, but it lights such a long fuse, engaging in some prolonged narrative edging, which—for some readers, no doubt, cultivated an excruciating sense of anticipation, but to me, it felt unfocused and repetitive.*

and then.

the last part is just one giant bolus of horror-movie tropes and references you can practically roll-call: Friday the 13th? here! Get Out? here! The Ring? present! Jaws? blub blub rraaaarr!

the scope of it all reminded me of this disney puzzle i had when i was little

like that puzzle, i loved seeing everything take shape here and, just as i couldn’t, as a baby-karen, identify all of the depicted characters, i’m sure i missed many references, but they were clearly all part of the same world, contributing their part to the big picture, their pieces all fitting together in such a satisfying way.

here, the finished puzzle is a Cabin in the Woods meta-mash rollercoaster of adversaries: slashers and supernaturals and animals, oh my! a concatenation of realizations and retractions and spoke too soons and not quite deads and are we safe yets; a relentless bloodbath parade of stab stab stab

and chop chop chop

culminating in a breathtaking and unexpectedly emotional catharsis.

and when it was all over, i was raw and scoured and spent, and i was grateful for all of it.

and now that i know this is going to be a trilogy? my chainsaw heart is revving.

* when someone asked how i was liking the book, i said it felt like it had been treading water for ages, and after finishing it, i remembered that comment and laffed and laffed. for reasons.

come to my blog!
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Reading Progress

January 24, 2021 – Shelved
October 3, 2021 – Started Reading
October 7, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin I want to read this so bad but neither of my libraries we pay for have them. And we shouldn’t have to pay for a damn Libary anyway 🤨

message 2: by L. (new) - rated it 5 stars


megs_bookrack Yessssss! Glad you loved it as well, Karen! SGJ is a blessing to the world!

message 4: by Katie (new)

Katie I'm so glad you loved this because I can't wait to read it and a lot of people gave it not so great reviews. You renewed my interest!

karen i get what people don't love about it - it spins its wheels for a looong time, but once it commits to its path, it is absolutely worth it. sez me, anyway.

message 6: by Katie (new)

Katie Good to know. I don't mind spinning wheels if it has a purpose.

Ruxandra Grrr I freaking loved it. I just got attached to Jade *instantly*, which hardly ever happens anymore and so I was just enjoying hanging out with her, getting to know the town and fantasizing about giving her hugs that she would no doubt reject.

Kal burke No number?! Come on Karen!!!! Lol

karen wait, what?

karen Ruxandra wrote: "I freaking loved it. I just got attached to Jade *instantly*, which hardly ever happens anymore and so I was just enjoying hanging out with her, getting to know the town and fantasizing about givin..."

i cannot wait for the next two books!!!!!


message 12: by John (new) - rated it 5 stars

John Bonner Well, this book lost to another Slasher/Final Girl homage, Final Girl Support Group. I would argue that this is, by far, the better novel, though I liked that one. The problem is that this novel has the same problem The Catcher in the Rye has... A unique voice and main character that turn off a good portion of readers, making it a love it or hate it book. I would guess that more people really love this novel, but enough hate it that it will never receive the overall reviews of FGSG.

karen it is a meaningless award, even more so this year without the write-in wild card opportunity, and yet we all tune in to seeee what happens

message 14: by Doc. (new) - added it

Doc. Bolus is a criminally underused word.

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