Deacon Tom F's Reviews > The Henna Artist

The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi
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it was amazing

A Classic

I thought that “The Henna Artist” by Alka Joshi was a masterfully crafted novel.

The storyline contains eloquent descriptions, vivid use of metaphor and a moving plot that powerfully balances a yearning for family with the need for fortune.

In short, it is about one woman’s (Lakshmi) struggle for fulfillment in a society pivoting between the traditional view of women as property and the modern ideas of woman’s property ownership.

The backstory of the book brings us into a culture that is luxurious and fascinating. On the other hand it is truly bigoted and cruel.

Lakshmi’s story carries a modern worldview in spite of her history of an abusive marriage. With her worldview, she becomes the most popular and professional henna artist with the upper class women. Like a good bartender in today’s world, they share their secrets—what a burden!

Life is further complicated when her sister gets pregnant. This leads to a surprising ending that was very satisfying.

A very enjoyable story. I 100% recommend.
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January 21, 2021 – Started Reading
January 21, 2021 – Shelved
January 22, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Tina (new)

Tina I've heard such great things about this one! A terrific review Tom!

Deacon Tom F Tina. Thanks for your nice words and your friendship

message 3: by Janet C-B (new)

Janet C-B Thanks for the great review. I will be reading this book for my f2f discussion group in March.

Brandice Wonderful review, Tom! I’ve heard so many great things about this book over the last year and look forward to reading it soon!

Debbie W. Very nice review, Tom! I have this one on hold as an audiobook through Overdrive (it's a little bit of a wait!)

message 6: by Kat (new)

Kat Lovely review, Tom! It sounds like a wonderful story!

message 7: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Yay, great review Tom, glad you loved it too!

Jayme Terrific review, Tom! On my list! 📚

Marilyn (not getting notifications) Great review, Tom! Glad you really liked this book, too:)

Nancy (playing catch-up) I really enjoyed this one, too. Lovely review, Tom.

Deacon Tom F Thanks for the wonderful words everyone.

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