Brent's Reviews > The Intelligent Investor
The Intelligent Investor

OK, the recent stock market drops scared me. I got hit by the drops in 99 and said I would never let it happen again. This time I had what I thought would be value stocks. The problem was I didn't know if I should sell or hold the stocks. So for $8 I bought a used copy of Ben Graham's book. I stopped reading my other book and read this book like crazy.
It was the best $8 ever spent. It teaches you some basics about the behavior of the market and it teaches you to be very careful. I learned some key's to determining the value of stocks and to buy stocks with a margin of safety relative to other stocks. I did find that some of my "Value Stocks" weren't all that great.
I absolutely recommend this book, especially right now. Now is a great opportunity to pick up value stocks that have dropped a bunch. They dropped not because that are bad stocks but because Mr. Market has dropped and they've been pulled down.
It was the best $8 ever spent. It teaches you some basics about the behavior of the market and it teaches you to be very careful. I learned some key's to determining the value of stocks and to buy stocks with a margin of safety relative to other stocks. I did find that some of my "Value Stocks" weren't all that great.
I absolutely recommend this book, especially right now. Now is a great opportunity to pick up value stocks that have dropped a bunch. They dropped not because that are bad stocks but because Mr. Market has dropped and they've been pulled down.
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message 1:
rated it 4 stars
Aug 26, 2012 11:30PM


So it is time to invest now :-)"
Or was a month ago ;)
I'm too tempted to make this book review into an investing blog.
The book was great.
I did have a tough time holding onto great stocks when they continued to dive. I ended up with more conservative choices that did fine but my original purchases based on Intelligent investor did much better.
I would suggest reading Charlie Munger's book poor charlie's almanac. He helped Warren see beyond the intelligent investor type of investing. Developing a safety factor on investing is a good start. If you can add on the other things that Warren and Charlie recommend you are in great shape. Very few stocks actually measure up to the safety factors mentioned in the intelligent investor unless the market is in very bad shape.

Buying Ben Graham's old book was a smart decision and it seems to have given you good insight into investing. Understanding the basics of market behavior and learning how to determine the value of a stock as well as picking relatively safe stocks are both valuable skills
You mentioned that you've found some so-called "value stocks" that may not be so good, and that's normal. Good stocks can get pulled down when the market fluctuates. But as you say, this is a good time to buy stocks that have fallen sharply, not because of their quality, but because of the effects of the market as a whole!
I suggest you continue to read books and keep growing your knowledge while staying calm. Selling is also an option to consider if you feel that certain stocks have reached what you think they are worth. But at the core, it's about making informed decisions based on your research and evaluation of stocks
Good luck and I wish you success in your investing