Sumit RK's Reviews > The Passengers

The Passengers by John Marrs
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In the near future, government-mandated self-driving cars become the norm in Britain—They were supposed to make the roads 95% safer for both passengers and pedestrians. Then one morning, someone hacks into the systems of eight self-drive cars with their passengers, and they are set on a fatal collision course. They are told that they will probably be dead in several hours. All of this, of course, unfolds over social media, and the world finds itself captivated—particularly when the Hacker begins asking the audience, to vote on who lives and who dies. Almost everyone who has been kidnapped has a secret they don’t want to reveal—but the Hacker has secrets of his own. Now the public has to judge who should survive but are the passengers all that they first seem?

The Passengers has all the ingredients of an exciting thriller: A brilliant plot, some interesting characters who will keep you guessing, and some nice twist and turns which will keep you hooked till the end. The story uses technology as a backdrop and it feels like an episode straight out of Dark Mirror. Marrs taps into the most basic fears about the dark side of technology from the invasion of privacy to the mob mentality of social media, technology overriding laws of nature, and so on. This book asks many uncomfortable questions forcing you to think about the role of tech in our lives.

The story is fast-paced and the next shocking twist is always right around the corner. Despite technology playing a crucial part, the different characters are what really make the story really interesting. Another hallmark of John Marrs novels is that none of the characters are what they really seem, so you’ll be kept guessing what each character really is. Just when you think, you have sorted out the story, another twist will change the entire story.

The story goes on smoothly till the climax. I felt the climax was marred by too many twists than needed, so there were some plot holes, illogical explanations, and unanswered questions. But the story as a whole is highly entertaining so it did not matter too much in the end.

Overall, The Passengers is a well-paced sci-fi thriller with some fascinating characters. It has a very unique premise and an action-packed story that will keep you entertained right till the end.

Many thanks to the publisher Penguin Publishing Group and Eddelweiss for the ARC.
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Reading Progress

November 23, 2020 – Started Reading
December 23, 2020 – Shelved
December 23, 2020 – Finished Reading
December 24, 2020 – Shelved as: sumit-s-shelf

Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Wonderful review, Sumit!

Sumit RK Meredith wrote: "Wonderful review, Sumit!"
Thanks a lot! 😊

Ceecee Fantastic review Sumit 😊

Kaceey Terrific review Sumit!

Sumit RK Ceecee wrote: "Fantastic review Sumit 😊"

Thanks a lot! :)

Sumit RK Kaceey wrote: "Terrific review Sumit!"
Thank you so much :)

preoccupiedbybooks Glad you enjoyed this Sumit!

message 8: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Excellent review Sumit 👍🏻

Sumit RK preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this Sumit!"

Thanks a lot! :)

Sumit RK Maureen wrote: "Excellent review Sumit 👍🏻"

Thank you so much. :)

message 11: by Yun (new)

Yun Terrific review, Sumit! So happy to see you enjoyed this one! :)

Sumit RK Yun wrote: "Terrific review, Sumit! So happy to see you enjoyed this one! :)"
Thank you so much. :)

message 13: by Kat (new)

Kat Very intriguing review! This one sounds thrilling indeed. :)

Sumit RK Kat wrote: "Very intriguing review! This one sounds thrilling indeed. :)"

Thank You! It really was. :)

Jayme Terrific review!

message 16: by Vandana (new)

Vandana Sinha Wonderful review

Sumit RK Jayme wrote: "Terrific review!"

Thanks a lot! 😊

Sumit RK Vandana wrote: "Wonderful review"

Thanks a lot!

message 19: by Beata (new)

Beata Fine review, Sumit :)) Happy New Year! :))

Sumit RK Beata wrote: "Fine review, Sumit :)) Happy New Year! :))"
Thank You! Happy New Year to you too. :)

Lisa-Anne Great review. I really enjoyed that book myself. :) Happy New Year.

Sheyla ✎ Nice review, Sumit.

Sumit RK Lisa-Anne wrote: "Great review. I really enjoyed that book myself. :) Happy New Year."

Thank you! Glad you liked it too. Happy New Year :)

Sumit RK Sheyla ✎ wrote: "Nice review, Sumit."

Thank you so much.

message 25: by Paula (new)

Paula K Terrific review, Summit!

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