Kevin (Irish Reader)'s Reviews > Legendborn

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
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3.5 Stars

I really thought I was going to love this book more than I did, but unfortunately it was a little bit of a disappointment for me. Don’t get me wrong though, I still enjoyed it, but I was predicting a 5 star read!

The things I loved about this book was the characters, such as Bree (main character), as I really enjoyed how she dealt with her grief and how strong she was, as a character. I also really liked the romance! This book has a love triangle, which I usually don’t love that much, but I actually quite like how it was done in this. I don’t even know which pairing I prefer! I also really liked how racism and Slavery was discussed in the book, I think the way it was integrated into the story was great! The ending of the book was also another thing I loved, as I didn’t see the twist coming!

However, my main issue with this book was how hard it was for me to understand the Legendborn world. There were a lot of terms used and I found it hard to follow and it made me lose interest in the book. By the end of the book, I feel like I understand most of it but I still feel a bit confused. I think a glossary would have benefited this book a lot, or it definitely would have benefited me at least!

Overall, I enjoyed it and will most likely read the sequel. As I definitely want to know more after that ending!
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Reading Progress

November 13, 2020 – Started Reading
November 13, 2020 – Shelved
November 27, 2020 –
page 107
November 29, 2020 –
page 256
November 30, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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Conor I’m 200 pages in and I agree so far. I’m finding it so confusing to understand all the terminology witching the world. The different types of magic and people within the “chapter” hopefully it gets easier the more I read it

Claire Norsworthy Yass!!! I’m on page 138 and need a diagram! 😫

Olivia Faith A little over the half way Mark and I agree with you. Plus I feel like I’m reading so much but making little progress???

Maddie Literally on page 234 so confused with the words and it’s just overall hard to understand

Maya I totally agree! Although I have a physical copy of this book, I’m going through an audiobook phase/grind. I am sort of confused on some of the terms and such in the world of legend born. But I’m only 30-ish percent of the way through. I am hoping that it gets more clear

Louisa I agree with all of you. I honestly thought I was alone. I feel like it’s a great book and story, but I’m kinda lost in all the terms.. another thing that I struggle with is that I feel like we were introduced to too many characters at once, making it hard to remember who is who and how to picture them in my head as I forgot how they were described.

Marisa Agreed! I understood eventually, but it took a good chunk of the book to do so lol. The scion vs squire thing kept messing me up. In my defense, they both start with 's' LOL. but yup!

Sana Halima Definitely agree! I’m half way through and still quite confused. Every time I think I’ve got it a new element is added and it’s making it very hard to follow. It a shame because the concept is good. It’s just the world building is hard to follow. I’m used to reading fantasy novels with lots of detail and supernatural elements but reading this felt like reading the third of fourth book in a series without having read the previous books. Words and concepts are thrown around without enough explanation and as readers we’re just supposed to automatically follow what’s going on. I ended up stopping for a while but I’m trying to finish it. Also the love triangle element… sigh.

Celeste Yes I am reading this now and I am so confused abt the whole legend born world. I am only 28% into the book so I am going to keep going and hopefully it will come together for me in the end

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