Edward Gwynne's Reviews > The Tower of Swallows

The Tower of Swallows by Andrzej Sapkowski
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it was ok
bookshelves: fantasy

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Reading Progress

November 11, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
November 11, 2020 – Shelved
November 22, 2020 – Started Reading
November 28, 2020 –
page 242
November 29, 2020 – Shelved as: fantasy
November 29, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Edward Gwynne Marc *Dark Reader of the Woods* wrote: "No good?"

Unfortunately not. I wish I liked them as much as everyone else does.

Edward Gwynne The Bald & Bearded Bookworm wrote: "I have the books, was it the writing?"

I would still give them a go. Just for me there is a lot of potential, but poorly done. Not sure if it's the translation for me but the dialogue is tedious, and the characters aren't at the level of many other fantasy series.

message 4: by rhysciar (new)

rhysciar oh no... :( is it that bad?

Edward Gwynne rhysciar wrote: "oh no... :( is it that bad?"

It very well just might be me ... I think the two short story collections are much stronger!

message 6: by rhysciar (new)

rhysciar It very well just might be me ... I think the two short story collections are much stronger!"

Oh my... that's not great, I didn't really liked Sword of Destiny tbh. There was too much romance in that for me. I still hope this will be better, but I am sorry you didn't like it. Will you finish the series?

Edward Gwynne rhysciar wrote: "It very well just might be me ... I think the two short story collections are much stronger!"

Oh my... that's not great, I didn't really liked Sword of Destiny tbh. There was too much romance in t..."

Uh oh! Still, you may really enjoy the series, I hope you do. I'll definitely finish it so I can know what happens at the end, 4 books in, I don't really want to give up now!

message 8: by Michael (new)

Michael A shame that you're not enjoying these as much as others seem to. I have too many other books at home to want to give these a try at the moment.

Edward Gwynne Michael wrote: "A shame that you're not enjoying these as much as others seem to. I have too many other books at home to want to give these a try at the moment."

I agree! Wish I loved them like many others. The first two collections of short stories are good fun.

Emily Ah, I was the same. Came away so disappointed after reading them😞 I finished the series anyway and glad I did, but you are definitely not alone friend. I think my expectations were too high... think I expected something like ASOIAF...

Edward Gwynne Emily wrote: "Ah, I was the same. Came away so disappointed after reading them😞 I finished the series anyway and glad I did, but you are definitely not alone friend. I think my expectations were too high... thin..."

There's so many people who love the series it definitely made me expect a lot more! Glad I'm not the only one😊

message 12: by Yuri (new)

Yuri I literally forgot almost everything that happened in this series within 6 months. I did love the world and Geralt & co. But that's about it.

Bogdan Loved the games, meh-ed the books (except the short stories - those were ok-to-good).

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