Warda's Reviews > Wolf Gone Wild

Wolf Gone Wild by Juliette Cross
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This is a case of ‘I-wish-I-liked-this-better’ and ‘I-really-don’t-like-giving-it-a-3-star-rating-but-it-was-asking-for-it’.
Especially since I heard such great things about it, so I was expecting more, whatever more was, but I didn’t get more.

From the beginning, I had a disconnect to the writing style. I can’t exactly explain it but it didn’t hit me. Something about it felt a little… bland?

The characters, the world and plot felt underdeveloped considering it’s a paranormal romance/urban fantasy. Don’t get me wrong, we got some of it, but their was no meat to it. I couldn’t envision the world and the witches and the paranormal creatures. I wanted it to read more magical, but it all felt so flimsy and not believable. Especially the plot. I just didn’t care for it.

And the characters felt YA even though they’re adults. I’m talking in their 30s if I’m not mistaken. Yet they read so young and immature and some of the dialogue I just wasn’t vibing with. It came across as childish.

So I’m confused. This was a mix of different things and I’m unclear of the direction this was supposed to be going in.

I’ll be trying the rest of the series, because I think it has potential to get better. I just hope it does for me.
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Reading Progress

November 2, 2020 – Shelved
November 2, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
July 5, 2022 – Started Reading
July 5, 2022 –
page 137
34.68% "Alpha is so unhinged, I love it. The wolf has no filter whatsoever."
July 7, 2022 –
page 227
57.47% "This started off great and now I don’t know how I feel about it."
July 7, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Emily (new) - added it

Emily I agree so hard with this review

Warda Emily wrote: "I agree so hard with this review"

I’m glad, because this had me feeling conflicted. It had so much potential!

Justin Chen Let me know if the series gets better!

Warda Justin wrote: "Let me know if the series gets better!"

I will do! 😊

Monika I like Don't Hex and Drive and Always Practice Safe Hex the best. That being said, I'm a stan for a vampire books.

Warda Monika wrote: "I like Don't Hex and Drive and Always Practice Safe Hex the best. That being said, I'm a stan for a vampire books."

Love a good vampire story!! Even though this one didn’t work for me, I’m excited to get to the rest of the series. 😊

message 7: by F san (new)

F san Eid mubarak warda! I felt the same, I wanted to like it but it was more bland rom-com than paranormal romance...one day I would love ur review on golden dynasty Kristen Ashley (its a wild read LOL) or dark in you Suzanne wright.

Warda F san wrote: "Eid mubarak warda! I felt the same, I wanted to like it but it was more bland rom-com than paranormal romance...one day I would love ur review on golden dynasty Kristen Ashley (its a wild read LOL)..."

Eid Mubarak to you too!! 😊
And I agree, it did feel like a bland romcom.
I’ll make sure to check those books out, thank you!!

Paige ♠ It was the wolf writing that felt off for me 😣 wasn’t really for me either haha

Warda Paige ♠ wrote: "It was the wolf writing that felt off for me 😣 wasn’t really for me either haha"

It all felt off. 😅 I just hope that the rest of the series ain't like that.

Ziggy I agree with this, however, I ended up giving it 2 stars (I wish I could have given it 2.5 bc I like right in the middle is where it belongs). It was good for a cozy read but overall was a very lukewarm book. Just didn’t scratch the same itch of all my other reads this year.

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