daph pink ♡ 's Reviews > Everything, Everything

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
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's review

it was ok

-Me, when I read this two years back, when world was a better place to live in and I was a good person:- Life-changing. Heartbreaking. Wow , simply wow . Beautiful love story . Heart-wrenching. Life is beautiful . Blah blah blah

Me, when I read this in 2020 , when world sucks , human connection sucks :-
What...the damn hell?

Good stuff.
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Reading Progress

October 14, 2020 – Shelved
October 15, 2020 – Started Reading
October 15, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Mehaque (new)

Mehaque Khanum Ahahahah always with the pun V!!

daph pink ♡ Mehaque wrote: "Ahahahah always with the pun V!!"

Ha ha , old habit!

andrea hartmann Omg I agree...pre-Covid I thought this was a heartwarming book...now I’m like “wtf you’re risking your health stop”

daph pink ♡ andrea wrote: "Omg I agree...pre-Covid I thought this was a heartwarming book...now I’m like “wtf you’re risking your health stop”"

Exactly !

Sasha i didn't enjoy reading this book either

message 6: by TMR (new) - rated it 4 stars

TMR It's a star crossed lovers thing. That would have been obvious from the start.

daph pink ♡ Sakshi wrote: "i didn't enjoy reading this book either"

kindered spirit!

daph pink ♡ TMR wrote: "It's a star crossed lovers thing. That would have been obvious from the start."

but this was only that! it was nothing new or original, especially those characters, stupid !

stretchybookworm I read this a couple of years ago, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would, happy to know I'm not the only one.

daph pink ♡ Komal wrote: "I read this a couple of years ago, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would, happy to know I'm not the only one."

Kindered spirit ✨

Alec's Always Bored This is 90% of YA novels read a couple years later, even more so when you read them as a teen
Teen: Emotional, brilliant, heart wrecking
Adult: Emo shit

daph pink ♡ Alec's wrote: "This is 90% of YA novels read a couple years later, even more so when you read them as a teen
Teen: Emotional, brilliant, heart wrecking
Adult: Emo shit"

Exactly my point

Unknown Reader Wait….
I read this years ago too
And my worldview has changed a lot 🥲

daph pink ♡ Unknown wrote: "Wait….
I read this years ago too
And my worldview has changed a lot 🥲"


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